
Gasoline Can

What Is a Gasoline Can?

Gasoline can is a container for transporting fuel such as gasoline, diesel fuel, and kerosene.

The Fire Service Law requires the use of gasoline cans for storing and transporting gasoline. Polyethylene tanks for kerosene, in particular, lack strength and airtightness, and are highly susceptible to breakage or leakage, making it illegal to carry or store gasoline in them. Therefore, gasoline can must be used when transporting gasoline.

Uses of Gasoline Cans

Gasoline can is used to store and transport fuel to refuel small engines. They are also used for transporting fuel to and refueling agricultural machinery such as tillers and mowers, motorcycles, cars, engines, and small boats, as well as when fuel must be temporarily removed from machinery, such as during an emergency or disaster.

Features of Gasoline Cans


The advantage of gasoline can is that it can be used to transport fuel even when access to gas stations is poor, such as in agricultural fields, or when traveling long distances in a car or motorcycle. Fuel shortages can be avoided by carrying fuel in the vehicle.


Unlike the disadvantages of the gasoline can itself, the fuel it contains has the common characteristic of being easily ignited, making it dangerous to handle. The flash point of gasoline is very low, around -40°C. It is easily ignited by static electricity, and its vapor is invisible to the eye. Especially in winter, it is important to handle gasoline with care to avoid static electricity.

Types of Gasoline Cans

The Fire Service Law stipulates that the maximum volume of gasoline can is 22 liters, which is the maximum volume that can be transported by a passenger vehicle, and there is a wide range of capacities from small cans of 750 cc to cans of 20 liters or more. The most common material used for gasoline can is metal, but plastic is also available.

Plastic is also available. Plastic has the advantage of being lightweight and not leaking fuel due to rust, but it is limited to 10 liters by the Fire Service Law, and it is vulnerable to impact. In addition, when gasoline is shaken, it generates static electricity, which can lead to ignition, so many larger gasoline cans are equipped with an anti-rolling plate inside the can.

Containers that are approved for refilling with gasoline are those that have passed safety standard tests under the Fire Service Law, such as drop tests, airtightness, internal pressure, and stacking tests. If the container is made of metal, it must be a sealed container of 22 liters or less when transported in a passenger car, and be marked with the KHK mark, which has passed the Hazardous Materials Safety Techniques Association standards, or the UN mark, which has passed international recommendations for the international transport of hazardous materials.

Fuel cans made of high-density polyethylene and metal jerry cans marked with an X in green can also be used as gasoline can.

How to Select a Gasoline Can

The appropriate material and capacity for transporting and storing fuel in a gasoline can depends on its intended use. For spare fuel to be carried on motorcycle trips, a small 750 cc to 1 liter can is convenient; for mowing at home, 1 to 3 liters; for transporting during work, such as mowing agricultural fields and public areas, 5 to 10 liters; and for storage, 20 liters or more is convenient. For work, a sturdy metal can is recommended, but plastic cans are also available for travel and other lightweight applications.

How to Use a Gasoline Can

When using gasoline can, safety precautions must be taken and fire is strictly prohibited. When refueling with stored fuel, the vaporized gasoline may increase the internal pressure, causing the fuel to gush out as soon as the can is opened. If there is a fire nearby, this can lead to an explosion.

To avoid danger, open the can slowly or, if it is equipped with an air adjustment screw, open the screw before opening the can to release the naturalized gas and reduce the internal pressure. Refilling and selling refilled gasoline cans must be done by a “qualified hazardous materials handler” at the refueling station. Self-fueling is legally prohibited.

When making a request, it is also important to verify the identity of the purchaser, apply for use, and keep a record of the sale on the seller’s side, as well as to observe the specified capacity of the gasoline can. Gasoline can containing fuel should be stored out of direct sunlight, away from prolonged on-board use, and away from places with temperatures above 40°C (104°F). A well-ventilated area with plenty of space is best.

Use and store with the tightly closed lid up, and perform periodic degassing. Wipe off any debris from the lid packing as it can cause gasoline leaks. This is only a carrying container, and the fuel should be stored for six months at most.

Other Information on Gasoline Cans

Gasoline Can Regulations

The purchase and storage of gasoline and diesel fuel are subject to volume restrictions under the Fire Service Law. When refilling and selling gasoline to non-automobiles, the daily limit is set at less than 200 liters.

If you store more than 40 liters but less than 200 liters of gasoline, you are required to notify the competent fire department with the necessary documents. If you do not notify the fire department, you can only purchase gasoline of less than 40 liters.

If you intend to store more than 200 liters of gasoline, you must be qualified as a hazardous materials handler and have a storage area with a structure that conforms to the law. In some areas where there are few gas stations and fuel consumption increases, especially in summer when mowing grass, it is possible to refill and purchase more than 200 liters of gasoline per day, but it is still required to submit the necessary documents to the competent fire department.


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