

What Is an Escapement?

An escapement is a mechanism or device designed to regulate the movement or flow of products or components, particularly in automated systems. Its primary function is to separate or divert items moving in a stream, commonly on a conveyor, in industrial production lines according to specific criteria.

Outside of industrial contexts, the term ‘escapement’ is also used in various fields, each with unique mechanisms suited to their specific applications. For example, in the music industry, it refers to the mechanism in electronic pianos that mimics the feel of an acoustic piano’s action. In mechanical watches, ‘escapement’ denotes the component regulating the timekeeping system.

Uses of Escapements

In automated production lines, escapements are essential for sorting and routing products or parts based on pre-set configurations. They can also be employed for quality control by signaling and removing defective products from the production flow. These mechanisms are vital in maintaining the efficiency and accuracy of automated processes.

How to Select an Escapement

Choosing the right escapement depends on various factors, and the selection process generally involves:

  1. Confirmation of Usage Conditions: Determine if the escapement will handle objects moving horizontally or vertically. Key parameters include operating pressure, mass and number of workpieces, stroke, conveyor speed, friction coefficient (for horizontal movement), drop distance, and gravitational acceleration (for vertical movement).
  2. Confirmation of Impact Force: Using a graph that plots conveyor speed against workpiece mass (with stroke as a parameter), ensure that the planned environment falls within the escapement’s operational range for both horizontal and vertical applications.
  3. Confirmation of Allowable Lateral Load: Refer to a graph that plots stroke against lateral load (with operating pressure as a parameter). It’s essential to pre-calculate the lateral load, which can be derived from the friction coefficient, total mass, and gravitational acceleration for horizontal applications, and solely from total mass and gravitational acceleration for vertical applications.


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