
Cable Strippers

What Is a Cable Stripper?

Cable Strippers

A cable stripper, also known as a wire stripper, is a tool designed to remove the protective insulation coating from cables, exposing the inner conductors. Unlike wire cutters or nippers, which sever the wire completely, cable strippers precisely cut only the outer insulation, leaving the conductor intact and accessible.

Cable strippers come in various types, including manual cable strippers that require manual sheath removal and automatic cable strippers that simplify the process by clamping and stripping the sheath.

Uses of Cable Strippers

Cable strippers are utilized for different applications depending on cable thickness, conductor exposure requirements, and the specific work process.

Manual cable strippers are employed when exposing conductors at cable ends or when specifying the width of the exposed conductor. These tools feature multiple cutting blades designed to strip insulation from cables of various thicknesses.

Automatic cable strippers can remove the sheath at any point along the cable, allowing partial exposure of the conductor, not limited to cable ends.

Principles of Cable Strippers

Cable strippers resemble scissors with two blades, featuring holes matching the conductor’s diameter. These blades are designed to cut through the cable’s insulation without affecting the conductor inside. Multiple holes of different sizes in the blades accommodate cables of varying thicknesses.

Here is a step-by-step guide on using manual cable strippers to expose bare conductors:

  • Position the cable stripper blade between the desired conductor location and apply pressure to close the blade, cutting through the insulation.
  • While keeping the blade closed, slide the stripper towards the cable end to remove the insulation and expose the inner conductor.
  • Ensure the conductor diameter matches the stripper hole before proceeding.

Automatic cable strippers simplify conductor exposure by clamping them over the desired cable section, effortlessly stripping the insulation film. When dealing with large quantities of cable sheathing, automatic cable strippers enhance work efficiency.


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