
Gas Generators

What Is a Gas Generator?

Gas generators are generators that convert gas into electrical energy. They are attracting attention as emergency power generation devices. In Japan, a disaster-prone country, power outages often occur due to typhoons and floods. This is because electricity is shut off to prevent power lines from being cut or leaking due to disasters. However, most of the things we use in our daily lives run on electricity, and power outages can have a major impact on our lives. Gas generators are therefore required to generate electricity using gas, which can be supplied even in the event of a disaster. In places where LP gas is installed, gas generators can provide a stable supply of electricity even if electricity or city gas is cut off.

Uses of Gas Generators

Gas generators are mainly used to supply electricity in times of disaster. By preparing LP gas in advance, power can be generated and electricity can be supplied even in the event of an emergency. Gas generators are in particularly high demand in hospitals and public facilities where electricity is needed even in times of emergency. They are also used as outdoor equipment. Gas generators that can easily generate electricity by setting up a gas cylinder are also available, making it easy to use electrical products in natural areas where it is difficult to secure a power source.

Principle of Gas Generators

There are two main types of gas-based power generation methods. Here we will introduce the principle and features of each.

1. Gas Engine Generator

This method uses the expansion of gas to generate electricity by turning an engine. First, gas or air is injected into the generator. Next, the gas is compressed by a piston connected to the engine. Igniting the compressed gas or air causes rapid expansion, which moves the piston. Finally, the piston motion is converted into engine rotation to generate electricity. Even with its small size, it can generate electricity efficiently.

2. Gas Turbine Generator

This method generates electricity by spraying gas into a turbine. First, gas is continuously burned to generate high-temperature, high-pressure gas. This combustion gas turns the turbine, which generates electricity. This method of power generation has low running costs because it is easy to maintain, and its high heat recovery rate makes it an excellent method for using heat for other purposes. On the other hand, it is not suitable for long-term use because its power generation efficiency is not very high.


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