
Audio Frequency

What Is an Audio Frequency?

Audio frequency, or Audio Frequency, refers to the range of frequencies of sound that are perceptible to the human auditory system.

Typically falling within the range of 20Hz to 20kHz, the audible range can vary depending on individual factors such as age, with high-frequency hearing diminishing with age. Sound is transmitted through the vibration of air molecules. Audio equipment converts electrical signals into vibrations, generating sound waves through devices such as speakers. These vibrations reach the human ear and are recognized as sound when they cause the eardrum to vibrate.

Utilized in communication technology and acoustical engineering, audio frequencies are used, for instance, in communication systems like telephones and radios, where voice signals are transmitted as frequencies. The bandwidth and characteristics of frequencies affect the quality and efficiency of signal transmission. Frequencies are characterized by three elements: frequency, amplitude, and waveform. Frequency determines the pitch of sound, amplitude determines its loudness, and waveform determines its timbre.