
Styrofoam Cutter

What Are Styrofoam Cutters?

Styrofoam cutters are tools primarily used for cutting and shaping expanded polystyrene foam. They come in two types: heat-generating, which cuts by melting the foam; and blade, which operates similar to a saw or utility knife.

Regular cutters can create messy, uneven cuts with debris, which is troublesome to clean up due to static electricity. In contrast, styrofoam cutters ensure smooth, debris-free cuts and are more adept at cutting curves than regular cutters.

Uses of Styrofoam Cutters

Styrofoam cutters are utilized for various purposes, ranging from crafting cubic forms and event decorations to cutting down packaging materials in warehouses and factories. They’re especially useful for making POP displays, participating in community events, crafting dioramas, and processing packaging foam.

Principle of Styrofoam Cutters

1. Heat-Generating

Heat-generating styrofoam cutters heat materials like nichrome wire, an alloy of nickel and chromium, to melt expanded polystyrene. Nichrome wire is chosen for its high electrical resistance and ability to withstand high temperatures.

2. Blade

Blade cutters, equipped with fine or serrated blades, cut through foam with a sawing motion.

How to Use Styrofoam Cutters

For heat-generating cutters, wait for the cutter to warm up after switching it on. This preheating ensures smoother cuts. When cutting, fix the target object and smoothly pull the cutter for a clean finish.

How to Choose a Styrofoam Cutter

1. Cutter Type

Select from nichrome wire, pen, and tabletop cutters for heat-generating options, or non-electric blade cutters for heatless cutting.

2. Power Source

Select between corded cutters, which are powerful and ideal for thick foam, or battery-powered ones, which offer flexibility and are suited for finer work.

3. Switch

Choose between switch cutters for constant power and large projects, or push cutters for precision and intermittent use.

Other Information on Styrofoam Cutters

Usage Precautions

Always supervise children using these tools. Be cautious of burns with heat-generating models, and ensure the cutter is off before touching heated parts. Heat-generating cutters emit a smell while in use, so provide adequate ventilation when using them.


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