

What Is Carnosine?

Carnosine, an imidazole peptide composed of beta-alanine and L-histidine, is abundant in human and animal brains and muscles, particularly in skeletal muscles. It contributes to the endurance of migratory birds, the instantaneous force of horses, and the swimming speed of tuna and bonito. Its antioxidant properties help combat reactive oxygen species, offering fatigue relief and anti-aging effects.

Beyond its antioxidant and performance-enhancing benefits, carnosine also has antiglycation properties, preventing protein glycation, and improving brain memory function.

Uses of Carnosine

Carnosine is used for its antioxidant, buffering, and anti-fatigue effects. As carnosine levels decrease with age, supplementation may help maintain motility, suppress reactive oxygen species, and provide anti-aging benefits. It is found in chicken, beef, and pork, and can also be obtained through supplements. Carnosine stabilizes the quality and color of meat products by inhibiting browning and oxidation of ascorbic acid by copper ions.


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