
Sheet Metal Hammer

What Is a Sheet Metal Hammer?

Sheet Metal HammersA hammer is a general term for a tool that strikes an object and consists of a metal striking part (head) and a part held by the hand (handle).

Sheet metal hammers are a type of hammer used to strike steel or aluminum sheets for processing. They are used in such fields as car body repair, roof and duct sheet metal, electrical work, and metal craft production.

Sheet metal work using a sheet metal hammer requires delicate striking actions rather than strong blows. Therefore, striking hammers for this purpose are often lighter than ordinary hammers.

How to Use Sheet Metal Hammers

Sheet metal hammers should not be used for anything other than sheet metal work, as a strong blow to the head in nailing or demolition work may cause the head to chip off.

When repairing dents, distortions, and other deformed areas of an automobile body, sheet metal hammers and an applicator called a dolly are used.

To flatten an uneven surface, a dolly is placed on the backside of the repaired area and struck with sheet metal hammers. This process is called rooster finishing, and the sheet metal is finished with the rooster process.

Off-dolly processing is performed by slightly displacing the dolly from the repaired area, causing the repaired section to be slightly elevated against the dolly. Rough corrections are made using this technique. During the off-dolly process, the plate is lifted when the dolly is struck near the contact point between the dolly and the steel plate, and the plate sinks when the dolly is struck farther away.

How to Select Sheet Metal Hammers

There are two common types of sheet metal hammers: one has a flat striking surface and the other has fine irregularities on the striking surface.

The hammer is used to smooth out the unevenness of the material surface, while it is also used to squeeze the material that has been stretched by the hammer. In general, for sheet metal work, the hammer is more frequently used, but it is recommended to have both types of hammers as needed, as they serve different purposes.

The striking surface of the hammer can be completely flat or gently curved. The curved type is more suitable for delicate processing. However, some flat hammers have a mechanism, such as rotation or pivoting to assist the hammering action.

The opposite side of both the flat and curved hammers features a sharp point, either oriented vertically or horizontally towards the handle. This part is used for tasks like hammering in moldings, and it is recommended to choose a vertical or horizontal type based on the nature of the work.


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