

What Is a Saccharimeter?

A saccharimeter is an instrument that measures sugar content by utilizing the property that the refractive index differs depending on the sugar concentration.

It is also called a densitometer or refractometer. There are various types of saccharimeters, including analog or digital types, and types that measure sugar content without damaging the crop.

Uses of Saccharimeters

Saccharimeters are used to measure the sugar content of various crops and foods, including fruits and vegetables. When used by farmers, they can measure the sugar content and maturity of crops and determine when to harvest crops of optimal quality.

This reduces waste and loss of over-ripe or under-ripe produce. Non-destructive saccharimeters can measure the sugar content of fruit on the tree as it is. Because they do not damage the crop, they are often used before harvest.

Saccharimeters can also be used by researchers and medical professionals to obtain accurate data when considering the effects of food on metabolism. Many digital saccharimeters, such as pen-shaped types, measure sugar content by dipping the measuring device into a sample, making them useful for analyzing the sugar content of home-cooked or processed foods. Handheld saccharimeters can also be used as a theme for children’s free research.

Features of Saccharimeters


1. Analog Type
The analog type is the most inexpensive and easy-to-use saccharimeter. It is widely used in restaurants, fruit and vegetable stores, confectionery shops, and at home. Its advantage is that it does not require a power supply and is portable. It is also suitable for people who use it only occasionally for experiments or free research.

2. Digital Type
Digital meters are more expensive than their analog counterparts, but their advantage is that they are easy to understand and accurate, as they display numerical values on the display. They are ideal for farmers who need to know the sugar content of their crops, or for sick people who need to detect the minute sugar content in food.

With temperature compensation, hot liquids can also be measured. The digital type is available in two types: a pocket type and a pen type.

3. Non-Destructive Type
The major advantage of the non-destructive type is that it can measure the sugar content in the tree.


1. Analog Type
The disadvantage of the analog type is that it requires familiarity in reading the scale and is prone to measurement errors.

2. Digital Type
The disadvantage of the digital type is that it generally requires more reagents than the analog type. They also require battery replacement and are often more expensive.

3. Non-Destructive Type
The disadvantage of the non-destructive type is that it is easily affected by the ambient temperature and the amount of light because it measures the crop surface by irradiating it with near-infrared light. When using the nondestructive type, care must be taken in the environment in which it is used.

Types of Saccharimeters

Saccharimeters can be broadly classified into the following three types

1. Analog Saccharimeter

Analog saccharimeters do not require battery replacement and are less prone to electronic malfunctions. They are the most affordable of the three types, starting at around 2,000 yen per unit, making them easy to install. They are portable and can be used anywhere. Saccharimeters are also recommended for those who plan to use them only occasionally.

2. Digital Saccharimeter

Digital saccharimeters do not require you to read the scale yourself. Easy to operate and quick to measure, this saccharimeter is suitable for those who use it frequently.

If you choose a product with a temperature compensation function, it will accurately measure even hot liquids. Pen-type meters are portable, and many measurement methods can be selected, such as inserting or dipping the pen tip into the sample. Digital saccharimeters come in a variety of types, including those with data storage, long-lasting battery design, and the ability to wash the entire unit after measurement.

3. Non-Destructive Saccharimeter

As the name suggests, this saccharimeter can measure the sugar content of fruits and vegetables without damaging them. By exposing them to near-infrared rays, sugar content is measured while they are still on the tree. However, it is important to have a knack for accurately measuring sugar content.

How to Choose a Saccharimeter

There are three types of saccharimeters, and the key to choosing the right one is to select the one that fits the purpose of use. If you want to purchase an affordable saccharimeter, an analog type is recommended. Since you have to read the scale yourself, it may take longer to get the result or there may be errors in the measurement, but it has the minimum necessary functions.

If your goal is to make measurements quickly and accurately, choose a digital type. They are more expensive than their analog counterparts, but they are more accurate and can be used with optional features.

It is also important to confirm in advance what kind of measurement is needed, as the range of sugar content measurement differs from saccharimeter to saccharimeter. If the scale range is 0 to 80%, a wide range can be measured.


Corrugated Pipe

What Is Corrugated Pipe?

Corrugated pipes are pipes that promote underground drainage through culvert drainage.

If a large amount of moisture remains in the ground, crops with growing roots cannot take in heat and air from the soil, which hinders their growth. Corrugated pipes have small holes in the wall of the pipe, and their role is to take in excess moisture from the ground. The water that permeates into the interior of the pipe flows through the pipe, creating a stream.

Drainage in farmlands and fields is handled by ditches, but corrugated pipes are used in areas away from ditches. Pipe diameters range from 50 mm to 150 mm, with polyethylene pipes being the most common. Piping connections are available with sockets or with sockets and caps.

Uses of Corrugated Pipe

Corrugated pipe is used for underground drainage around farmland, land, and gardens. Especially in farmland, after rain or excess watering, if water remains in the ground, it is difficult for crops to grow. In addition, water puddles not only in the ground but also above ground, exposing the roots of crops and causing root rot.

Corrugated pipes are therefore useful in wet and humid areas and in geological conditions that are difficult to drain. In particular, areas with a lot of low-lying land, such as Saga and Niigata prefectures, are heavily used for drainage.

Characteristics of Corrugated Pipe


Corrugated pipe’s wavy pleats make it flexible and give a turbulent effect to the fluid. Its lightweight and high strength make it easy to handle and install. Another important feature of corrugated pipes is their low cost and long service life.

Corrugated pipe has fine holes and has excellent water collection and drainage properties, but it is sometimes used in combination with PVC pipe rather than on its own. This is because corrugated pipe is an excellent hydrophobic material, especially for crushed stone.


The corrugated pipe has the advantage of being easy to handle, but it is difficult to install in a home garden because it requires rough design drawings and deep digging in the ground.

Types of Corrugated Pipe

The corrugated pipe comes in a variety of diameters. They are also available in a wide range of lengths, from 4m to 50m, allowing you to choose the length you need for your installation.

A corrugated pipe is characterized by its corrugated folds, but if the inside is corrugated, the liquid will not flow smoothly. There are products with a flattened inner surface that can solve this problem. This type is useful when you want to prevent clogging as much as possible.

How to Select Corrugated Pipe

The corrugated pipe comes in a great variety of diameters and lengths. They should be selected based on the area where they are planned to be installed, the expected drainage volume, and the depth at which they can be dug during installation.

When choosing a corrugated pipe, it is important not to mistake it for a product called Corrugated Tube, which is similar to corrugated pipe. Corrugated pipe is a product used to bundle wires, and although it is smaller than corrugated pipe, it is very similar in appearance.

Since the sizes and uses are very different, it is necessary to check carefully when considering the purchase of corrugated tubes through online shopping, etc.

How to Use Corrugated Pipe

When installing a corrugated pipe, first observe and survey the topography and soil conditions to determine the drainage destination. Next, the drainage route is determined, and a trench is dug with a slope to allow water to move smoothly toward the drainage destination. It is important to dig the trench to a depth of at least 30 cm to prevent exposure to hydrophobic material and loss of drainage capacity.

Once the hole has been dug sufficiently, large gravel, called crushed stone, is placed at the bottom and a corrugated pipe is installed. The area around the corrugated pipe is backfilled with hydrophobic material until it is completely hidden and then wrapped with a permeable sheet or non-woven fabric. The final step is to backfill the area with excavated soil, sand, or sand soil.

The final drainage destination is always to dig a hole in the underground permeable layer to ensure the flow of water after drainage.


Wire Rope

What Is a Wire Rope?

A wire rope is made from SUS304 stainless steel, and coated with PVC for added protection. This composition renders the rope highly resistant to abrasion and corrosion, making it suitable for harsh environmental conditions involving rain and wind. It maintains its strength across a wide range of temperatures.

The wire rope’s high hardness ensures durability against mechanical wear, while its smooth surface minimizes damage to other materials and ensures safety for people. Composed of thin, galvanized steel wire, it is flexible, easy to bend, and can be coiled effectively.

Uses of Wire Rope

Wire rope finds diverse applications in agriculture, particularly in greenhouse structures due to its strength and durability. It replaces traditional rails for shading curtains and films and serves as a support for climbing plants like ivy. A notable use is in high-wire cultivation, like tomato farming, where its flexibility and adaptability are beneficial. Made of SUS314 stainless steel, it offers excellent rust resistance, making it ideal for fields near the sea.


Well Pump

What Is a Well Pump?

A well pump is a pump that pumps groundwater up from a well.

The mechanism of a well pump is similar to the straw principle, in that the well pump creates an artificial near-vacuum and pumps up the water using the principle of atmospheric pressure causing the liquid to rise.

The groundwater pumped up by well pumps is used for drinking water, miscellaneous water, and agricultural water, including in times of disaster, depending on the quality of the water.

Uses of Well Pumps

Well pumps are available as manual or electric pumps and are used for a variety of purposes, including domestic water, agricultural water for fields, orchards, tea gardens, water for business use, and emergency water. If groundwater pumped from a well pump is to be used as drinking water, it must be periodically tested for water quality as required by prefectural and municipal ordinances.

Even if the water is not used as drinking water, water quality testing and maintenance should be performed to ensure hygiene and safety.

Features of Well Pumps

The following are the advantages and disadvantages of installing a well pump.


Groundwater pumped from a well pump is characterized by minimal seasonal variations in water temperature. Physically, you can use cold water in summer and warm water in winter.

Another major advantage is that you can drink water that does not have the chalky odor that is often associated with tap water. Whatever the use, another advantage is that the use of a well pump eliminates the cost of water supply.


The disadvantage is the cost of installing a well pump. In addition, if the water is used for drinking purposes, periodic water quality testing is required, which is an indispensable expense for safe use.

In addition, well pumps require regular maintenance. If it rusts or makes unusual noises, it should be replaced.

Types of Well Pumps

There are three types of well pump pumping methods

1. Pickle Well

A pickle well is a well in which a “pulley, rope, and tub” are installed on top of a shallow well to pump up groundwater manually.

A tub called a “tsurube” is tied to the end of the rope, and the water is pumped up using the principle of leverage. In Japan, tsurube wells became popular in the mid-Edo period (1603-1867) and were abandoned after the Showa 30s (1960s), when water supply became widespread.

Because of their simple structure and easy repair, pickle wells are still used today to provide water assistance in developing countries.

2. Manual Well Pump

The manual well pump is an advanced pumping method for the pickle well. By manually raising and lowering the hand-push handle, a near-vacuum condition is created and pumped up using the action of atmospheric pressure.

Manual well pumps were mainly used from the end of the Edo period to before the 1950s, and still exist today in many areas as cooperative wells in times of disaster.

3. Electric Well Pump

Electric well pumps are a pumping method that uses an electric motor and became popular after the 1950s. The principle is the same as that of manual pumps.

Electric well pumps include jet pumps and submersible pumps that use a high-pressure jet to push the well.

How to Select a Well Pump

When selecting a well pump for a home, focus on the “depth” of the well and the “type” of the well pump.

1. Depth

Generally, a shallow well pump is suitable for wells less than 8 meters deep, while a deep well pump should be selected for wells deeper than 8 meters, as a shallow well pump will not work for wells deeper than 8 meters.

2. Purpose of Use

If you are planning to install a well pump in anticipation of a power outage in the event of a disaster, a manual well Pump is the safest choice. If you will be pumping daily, an electric well Pump is recommended.

For shallow wells, both manual and electric well pumps can be used. However, groundwater pumped from shallow wells should be used for miscellaneous purposes, as it is susceptible to soil contamination and is not suitable for drinking.

Other Information on Well Pumps

1. Cost of Installing a Well Pump

It is possible to install a well pump on one’s own with a few hundred thousand yen in DIY costs and labor. However, in some cases, toxic gases may be produced and work will be required to prevent collapse, so we recommend hiring a contractor as much as possible.

The cost of hiring a contractor will vary depending on the depth of the aquifer and the service life of the well pump, but it should be expected to cost at least ¥200,000 to ¥300,000.

2. Points to Note before Purchasing

As an arrangement before purchasing a well pump, we recommend that you check with the local government to see if drilling is possible and also to find out if there are any subsidies or subsidies available. Note that if you apply for a grant or subsidy after the well pump has been installed, likely, you will likely not be awarded the grant or subsidy.


Office Chair

What Is an Office Chair?

An office chair is a chair used to reduce the burden on the legs and feet when working in agriculture or gardening.

Office chairs also increase work efficiency. It is recommended not only for those who have physical pain when bending over but also for those who want to prevent back pain.

There are various types of office chairs, such as lightweight types that can be carried around and types that can be moved while seated, so it is important to understand their features and choose the one that best suits your needs.

Uses of Office Chairs

Office chairs are used in a variety of situations, such as harvesting crops, weeding and mowing weeds, and gardening. Office chairs can help reduce back pain and fatigue that often occur after long hours of work in the fields.

Office chair products come in many different types and have different features. It is important to use them correctly for safety.

Features of Office Chairs

Office chairs are characterized by their lightweight and simple construction.


The greatest advantage of the office chair is its ability to reduce physical fatigue. Office chairs that can be worn around the waist make it easier to move around the field, stand, and sit down.


The disadvantage of an office chair is the possibility of tipping over the moment you sit down. When used on unstable ground or in areas where the space between rows is narrow, care should be taken not to tip over.

Also, when using office chairs that fasten to the waist, it is important to wear them correctly.

Types of Office Chairs

There are various types of office chairs, including those worn directly on the waist and those with casters (wheels).

1. Waist-Mounted Office Chair

Office chairs worn around the waist are equipped with a belt or elastic strap that can be adjusted according to the body shape of the user. Most waist-mounted office chairs are made of lightweight Styrofoam, so they do not put any strain on the waist.

They also do not need to be removed when moving, making them convenient for work that requires frequent standing or sitting, or when carrying them around is cumbersome.

2. Height-Adjustable Office Chair

There are office chairs that can be height-adjusted in several increments of a few centimeters. These chairs are recommended for people with hip or knee pain and taller people.

3. Office Chair with Casters

A type of office chair with casters on the bottom is also useful; there are two-wheeled and four-wheeled types that allow the user to move sideways while in a sitting position. Some types can be widened to allow them to move across ridges.

However, office chairs with casters that do not swivel can only be moved sideways, so please check when selecting one.

4. Office Chair with Storage Space

The office chair has a storage space under the seat, which can be used to store tools necessary for work. Since the office chair and storage box are combined, there is no need to worry about forgetting to leave tools in the field. It is also useful not only for farming but also for gardening.

5. Office Chair with a 360-degree Swivel Seat

Office chairs with a 360-degree swivel seat make it easy to change the direction of your body. This has the advantage of reducing the burden on the lower back when reaching out to harvest.

It is also recommended for those who value efficiency, as it allows weeding and harvesting on both sides of the rows at the same time.

6. Office Chair with Backrest

Office chairs with backrests are popular among the elderly and those with back problems. Many products have a highly cushioned seat, which helps reduce fatigue.

7. Folding Office Chair

Foldable office chairs with a lightweight frame and sturdy fabric covering are also available. Because they can be stored compactly, they are recommended for people who drive to public farms, garden on apartment balconies, or use them only occasionally.

How to Select an Office Chair

When choosing an office chair, it is important to consider where and for what purpose it will be used most often. Also, you will not make a mistake if you check the details of the chair, such as whether it is washable, whether it is easy to wipe clean, and whether the seat has good cushioning.

If you have physical pain, it is essential to choose an office chair with a high level of cushioning or a swivel type that will reduce the burden on you.

Other Information on Office Chairs

Points to Keep in Mind When Using Office Chairs

Office chairs are available in a variety of types, but few of them have as much cushioning as sofas. Therefore, sitting on them may cause pain in the tailbone, lower back, and other parts of the body.

It is important to utilize them while taking breaks as much as possible, without overconfidence or overworking yourself because you are sitting down.



What Is a Sprinkler?

Sprinklers are devices that are connected to a water source with a hose or pipe and use water pressure to spray water in droplets over a wide area.

Some sprinklers are capable of spraying solutions mixed with fertilizers or pesticides. Generally, sprinklers are installed outdoors on the ground, but in greenhouses and buildings, there are various types, such as ceiling-mounted or suspended sprinklers.

Uses of Sprinklers

Sprinklers are widely used for irrigating crops, fruit trees, lawns, plants, and green curtains; spraying pesticides; and cooling vinyl greenhouses, barns, buildings, and barn roofs by spraying water. Other uses include firefighting, where sprinklers originated, dust control at various stadiums and work sites, snow melting on railroad tracks, and bait sprinklers in the fishing industry.

Features of Sprinklers


The advantage of sprinklers is that they can sprinkle water over large areas or slopes that are difficult to move without much effort. Additionally, even though they are inferior to drip irrigation, they can effectively irrigate small amounts of water in the form of rain or mist-like droplets, making it easier for plants to absorb water.


The disadvantage of sprinklers is that they can be affected by wind, especially outdoors. Another drawback is that the amount of water applied can be uneven depending on the location.

Types of Sprinklers

1. Classification by Sprinkler System

Rotating Type
There are two types: the full-circle type, which rotates 360 degrees to sprinkle water, and the fan type, which can sprinkle water on only a part of it. The impact type is installed on the ground, and the arm flaps around due to water pressure. It is the most common type, has the widest range of uses, and is available in a wide variety of types.

The pop-up type is used for lawns, roadside green belts, plantings, etc., and is installed embedded in the soil. They lift and spray water underwater pressure only when in operation, can be used at low pressure, are light and compact, structurally simple, and have the advantage of being trouble-free. Rain gun-type sprinklers are characterized by their ability to sprinkle water over a large area, such as a large stadium or factory.

Other types include the ball drive type, in which a ball inside the sprinkler moves with the water flow, and the piston type, in which a piston built into the main body rotates to spray water more evenly than the impact type.

Swivel Type
This type of water sprayer moves in a linear, repetitive motion forward and backward (left and right) to spray water evenly in a rectangular shape.

Mist Fountain Type
Spraying water in the form of mist, this type is used for sprinkling water on lawns and for cool mist showers.

A drip tube is also called a drip tube. It is placed directly on the ground.

Widely used in agriculture and other fields. The watering range is 1 to 3 m wide, but care must be taken to avoid twisting the tube, which not only prevents watering but can also cause damage. Also, the durability is not good, and the watering holes may widen due to deterioration.

2. Classification by Functional Aspect, Material, and Accessories

Watering distances range from about 1 meter for sprinkler tubes to more than 25 meters for large rain guns. Pressures range from as low as 0.3 MPa to as high as 0.4 to 0.7 MPa.

The angle between the ground and the watering nozzle is called the elevation angle, which is most widely used in agriculture and ranges from 23 to 27 degrees. For watering trees and roofs, the angle is 10 degrees or less. Conversely, a high elevation angle of 40 degrees or more may be used for watering slopes and dust prevention at various work sites. Variable elevation angle types are also available.

The most common materials are metal, which is durable, and resin, which is often used in smaller types. Resin is less durable than metal, but engineering plastics are as strong and durable as metal. In agriculture, riser pipes (rising pipes) are sometimes connected to accommodate crop height.

How to Select a Sprinkler

It is important to choose a sprinkler by following these steps:

  1. Calculate how many meters of water will be sprayed based on the size of the sprinkler area.
  2. Select a sprinkler that is appropriate for the distance to be sprinkled and consider the appropriate installation interval.
  3. Check the water pressure required for sprinkling, the water discharge per minute, and the size of the bore diameter of the sprinkler by referring to the performance chart.
  4. Select the equipment that meets your needs based on the pump, piping, distance from the water source, and budget.

Sprinkler catalogs indicate performance charts, but if you are installing large equipment, you can consult with a contractor for a quote. The amount of water needed depends on the crop. For example, in the case of seedling cultivation, care should be taken not to apply too much water, as it will damage the seedlings.

For large areas, such as several hectares, a rotating impact type or a pop-up type that can spray water over a wide area with a watering distance of 20 meters or more is useful. For home flower beds and small vegetable gardens, a small type with a watering distance of 5m or less or a spray or tube type will suffice. If there is a ceiling, such as in a plastic greenhouse, it is necessary to devise a way to prevent the water from hitting the ceiling before use.

Sprinklers are not only for fixed installation but also for one-touch detachable types or those that can be hand-held or installed on a vehicle to sprinkle water while moving. The more manual element requires less budget, but the more labor and time it takes. It is important to choose a sprinkler that fits your purpose and budget.

How to Use Sprinklers

Sprinklers should be checked for damage or clogged nozzles before installation. If the sprinkler is to be installed over a large area, it is a good idea to draw up a layout plan. It is recommended that a filter be installed between the water source and the sprinkler to prevent clogging of the sprinkler.

Automatic water sprinkling is also possible by setting a timer to open the water source. When mixing fertilizers or other chemicals in the water, a liquid fertilizer mixer should be installed between the sprinkler and the water source. Furthermore, if the water pressure from the water source is too high, a pressure-reducing valve may be connected between the sprinkler and the sprinkler.

If the water pressure from the water source is strong enough, many sprinklers can be operated at once, but if the water pressure is low, partial sprinkler operation will result in sequential water spraying. Even within the sprinkler’s range, the amount of water sprayed is often somewhat uneven from place to place, so care must be taken in placement to ensure a uniform amount of water is sprayed.

Furthermore, since sprinklers are affected by wind, the effective sprinkler distance should be approximately 60-80% of the sprinkler distance, and the sprinkler spacing should be determined. It is also important to slowly close the plug after use to prevent damage due to water hammer action.


Gasoline Can

What Is a Gasoline Can?

Gasoline can is a container for transporting fuel such as gasoline, diesel fuel, and kerosene.

The Fire Service Law requires the use of gasoline cans for storing and transporting gasoline. Polyethylene tanks for kerosene, in particular, lack strength and airtightness, and are highly susceptible to breakage or leakage, making it illegal to carry or store gasoline in them. Therefore, gasoline can must be used when transporting gasoline.

Uses of Gasoline Cans

Gasoline can is used to store and transport fuel to refuel small engines. They are also used for transporting fuel to and refueling agricultural machinery such as tillers and mowers, motorcycles, cars, engines, and small boats, as well as when fuel must be temporarily removed from machinery, such as during an emergency or disaster.

Features of Gasoline Cans


The advantage of gasoline can is that it can be used to transport fuel even when access to gas stations is poor, such as in agricultural fields, or when traveling long distances in a car or motorcycle. Fuel shortages can be avoided by carrying fuel in the vehicle.


Unlike the disadvantages of the gasoline can itself, the fuel it contains has the common characteristic of being easily ignited, making it dangerous to handle. The flash point of gasoline is very low, around -40°C. It is easily ignited by static electricity, and its vapor is invisible to the eye. Especially in winter, it is important to handle gasoline with care to avoid static electricity.

Types of Gasoline Cans

The Fire Service Law stipulates that the maximum volume of gasoline can is 22 liters, which is the maximum volume that can be transported by a passenger vehicle, and there is a wide range of capacities from small cans of 750 cc to cans of 20 liters or more. The most common material used for gasoline can is metal, but plastic is also available.

Plastic is also available. Plastic has the advantage of being lightweight and not leaking fuel due to rust, but it is limited to 10 liters by the Fire Service Law, and it is vulnerable to impact. In addition, when gasoline is shaken, it generates static electricity, which can lead to ignition, so many larger gasoline cans are equipped with an anti-rolling plate inside the can.

Containers that are approved for refilling with gasoline are those that have passed safety standard tests under the Fire Service Law, such as drop tests, airtightness, internal pressure, and stacking tests. If the container is made of metal, it must be a sealed container of 22 liters or less when transported in a passenger car, and be marked with the KHK mark, which has passed the Hazardous Materials Safety Techniques Association standards, or the UN mark, which has passed international recommendations for the international transport of hazardous materials.

Fuel cans made of high-density polyethylene and metal jerry cans marked with an X in green can also be used as gasoline can.

How to Select a Gasoline Can

The appropriate material and capacity for transporting and storing fuel in a gasoline can depends on its intended use. For spare fuel to be carried on motorcycle trips, a small 750 cc to 1 liter can is convenient; for mowing at home, 1 to 3 liters; for transporting during work, such as mowing agricultural fields and public areas, 5 to 10 liters; and for storage, 20 liters or more is convenient. For work, a sturdy metal can is recommended, but plastic cans are also available for travel and other lightweight applications.

How to Use a Gasoline Can

When using gasoline can, safety precautions must be taken and fire is strictly prohibited. When refueling with stored fuel, the vaporized gasoline may increase the internal pressure, causing the fuel to gush out as soon as the can is opened. If there is a fire nearby, this can lead to an explosion.

To avoid danger, open the can slowly or, if it is equipped with an air adjustment screw, open the screw before opening the can to release the naturalized gas and reduce the internal pressure. Refilling and selling refilled gasoline cans must be done by a “qualified hazardous materials handler” at the refueling station. Self-fueling is legally prohibited.

When making a request, it is also important to verify the identity of the purchaser, apply for use, and keep a record of the sale on the seller’s side, as well as to observe the specified capacity of the gasoline can. Gasoline can containing fuel should be stored out of direct sunlight, away from prolonged on-board use, and away from places with temperatures above 40°C (104°F). A well-ventilated area with plenty of space is best.

Use and store with the tightly closed lid up, and perform periodic degassing. Wipe off any debris from the lid packing as it can cause gasoline leaks. This is only a carrying container, and the fuel should be stored for six months at most.

Other Information on Gasoline Cans

Gasoline Can Regulations

The purchase and storage of gasoline and diesel fuel are subject to volume restrictions under the Fire Service Law. When refilling and selling gasoline to non-automobiles, the daily limit is set at less than 200 liters.

If you store more than 40 liters but less than 200 liters of gasoline, you are required to notify the competent fire department with the necessary documents. If you do not notify the fire department, you can only purchase gasoline of less than 40 liters.

If you intend to store more than 200 liters of gasoline, you must be qualified as a hazardous materials handler and have a storage area with a structure that conforms to the law. In some areas where there are few gas stations and fuel consumption increases, especially in summer when mowing grass, it is possible to refill and purchase more than 200 liters of gasoline per day, but it is still required to submit the necessary documents to the competent fire department.


Food Dryer

What Is a Food Dryer?

A food dryer is an appliance that heats and dries food by means of hot air at temperatures ranging from 30 to 70 degrees Celsius.

Specifically, it is used to make dried fruits, jerky, yogurt, etc. It enhances the preservation of food and allows the enjoyment of flavors, textures, and other tastes.

Compared to traditional sun-drying, a food dryer can make your favorite dried food in a short time with consistent quality, regardless of weather conditions. It also provides a unique flavor different from that of sun-dried dried foods.

For foods that are close to raw, known as raw foods, it is important to dry them at 48°C or lower to prevent enzyme breakdo

Uses of Food Dryers

Food dryers, as mentioned above, are used to dry out the moisture content of food. When making meat or fish jerky, the temperature must be set to 70℃ or higher for hygienic reasons, and the food must be heated sufficiently to the inside.

For dried fruits, the temperature is 35-40°C for semi-raw. On the other hand, when making yogurt, maintain the temperature at 40-45°C for regular yogurt and 25-30°C for kefir or Caspian yogurt.

Foods to be dried include tomatoes, carrots, bitter gourd, shiitake mushrooms, cabbage, komatsuna, and spinach among vegetables. It is also used for squash, potatoes, onions, lotus root, and eggplant. Fruits such as bananas, kiwi, apples, lemons, strawberries, etc. can be dried, and fish meat such as beef, chicken, sausages, etc. can be made into jerky.

Features of Food Dryers


Food dryers can produce dried food with a stable taste in a shorter time than sun-drying. Also, there is no need to worry about weather or insect contamination.

Another advantage is that heating and drying are done using electricity, so there is no need to adjust temperature and humidity, and there are fewer risks and fewer mistakes. Jerky and dried fruit are often expensive, but with a food dryer, you can always make additive-free dry food.


Food dryers use electricity, so you will pay for the electricity you use. Power consumption varies from model to model, but be aware that those with low power consumption tend to take longer to dry, while those with high power consumption tend to cost more for electricity instead of shorter drying times.

Types of Food Dryers

Food dryers come in various sizes, number of stages, and power consumption. Due to the characteristic of spreading food inside the dryer, they tend to be bulky. Even those for home use are available in a variety of sizes, from compact ones to large-capacity ones that can produce large quantities at a time.

Even if the area required for installation is small, a food dryer with a large number of tiers will increase the amount of food that can be made at one time. There is a wide variety of trays from 3 to 6 or more tiers.

The power consumption of food dryers is considered relatively low among home appliances. Along with the advantage of being able to finish drying in a short time, those with high power consumption have the disadvantage of high electricity bills. Recently, many energy-saving types have consumed less power.

How to Select a Food Dryer

Whether for home or commercial use, the first thing to check is size. It is necessary to check whether there is enough space for operation and storage and select a dryer of the appropriate size. It is also important to consider the number of tray tiers and make sure they are suitable for the required capacity.

Power consumption and the temperature range that can be set vary from product to product, which in turn affects electricity costs, the time required for drying, and the foods that can be dried. It is also important to select a model that matches the intended use.

There are also products with other features, such as timer functions that allow you to measure the drying time, and products with low operating noise. When choosing a food dryer, there are many things to consider, such as whether the food to be dried is specific, whether the temperature setting range is suitable for the purpose, whether there is a timer function, and whether the heater capacity is appropriate.

How to Use a Food Dryer

Food dryers slice up your favorite foods, spread them out on a tray so that they do not overlap, and then dry them with hot air. Depending on the model, the temperature setting and heating time can be controlled by using the functions provided.



What Is a Hatchet?

A hatchet is a blade characterized by a short, thick blade.

Hatchet blades are thicker than regular blades and are widely used in agriculture, forestry, and outdoor activities. It is also suitable for chopping firewood and pruning trees because of its blade’s resistance to breakage.

Uses of Hatchets

Hatchets are often used in agriculture, forestry, hunting, and other mountain work. In addition to being used to dismantle game when hunting, machetes are also used to chop wood for wood stoves and campfires.

They can also be used to remove branches, clear bushes, and cut vines when going into the mountains. In addition to these uses, machetes are also used in a variety of other situations, such as processing wood, clearing weeds, and cutting rope.

Features of Hatchets


A hatchet is sharp and useful in a variety of situations. They are also easy to carry and very convenient for carrying outdoors.

Hatchet can be used for a long time if you choose a machete with the right features for your application and properly care for it, which is an economic advantage as well.


A hatchet has a sharp and sturdy cutting edge that can easily split even hard materials such as firewood. Therefore, one wrong move can cause a major accident.

It is especially important to always check the position of the blade when swinging it down and to use it carefully to avoid causing unexpected accidents.

Types of Hatchets

1. Sword Hatchet

Hatchets are characterized by their sharp sword tip. It is used for a wide range of purposes, such as clearing bushes, handling game when hunting, and cooking when camping. Some machetes have a flange between the handle and the blade to prevent the hand holding the handle from slipping toward the blade and injuring the user. Because of its thick blade, it is not suitable for chopping hard firewood.

2. Hatchet with a Long, Square Blade

Hatchet with a long, square blade. Because it is moderately heavy, it can be swung down without effort and can be used comfortably for clearing bushes, chopping firewood, and other tasks that require strength. It is easy to use and easy to handle for beginners.

3. Hatchet

A hatchet is characterized by a stone section at the tip of the blade that protects the cutting edge. It is used for clearing bushes and chopping firewood in the same way as the Koshi Hatchet. In ordinary wood chopping, the blade tip lands on the ground when it is swung down, which may cause the blade to spill.

Hatchets, on the other hand, are shaped so that a stone attached to the tip of the hatchet lands on and protects the cutting edge, making it less likely to spill.

4. Bamboo Split Machet

A hatchet with a slender and light double-edged blade is used for splitting bamboo vertically. In addition to splitting bamboo, it is also useful for pruning garden branches and clearing bushes in outdoor activities such as camping.

The small size is easy to carry, while the larger size can be used as a waist hatchet.

5. Hatchet With a Single Blade

Single-edged machetes have a blade sharpened on only one side, and the cross-section of the blade is in the shape of a “le”. The blade is thin, so there is less friction and the blade can be inserted smoothly, but because the blade is asymmetrical, it is difficult to insert straight, making it unsuitable for chopping firewood. Since the blade is attached to only one side, grinding is completed on only one side.

6. Double-Edged Hatchet

The double-edged type has blades sharpened from both sides and is characterized by the V-shaped cross-section of the blade. Since the blade is symmetrical, it can be used with any dominant hand. While it is easy to use for chopping wood and pruning branches, it is necessary to sharpen the blade from both sides for maintenance, which requires a little more work than single-edged blades.

How to Select a Hatchet

Hatchets come in a variety of types, depending on the blade length and the material and characteristics of the handle. There are knife-shaped types, small types suitable for detailed work, and long-handled types useful for peeling. To use hatchet safely and efficiently, it is important to select one that suits your purpose.

Also, when purchasing a single-blade type hatchet, be sure to select a machete that matches your dominant hand.

How to Use a Hatchet

It is important to hold the hatchet with bare hands. If you wield the hatchet with military gloves, the machete may slip through your hand even if you think you have a firm grip on it. Only the hand not holding the hatchet should wear gloves or military gloves for safety. It is also important to avoid using the hatchet in areas where people are around and to always be careful to keep your feet and other objects out of the way when working with the hatchet.

Hatchets for right-handed people are single-edged, so they are used from the right side of the object. Hatchets for left-handed people are single-edged, so they are used from the left side of the object.


Garden Cart

What Is a Garden Cart?

A garden cart is a two- or four-wheeled vehicle, often attachable to the rear of a bicycle. It originated in Japan during the early Taisho period (1912-1926) with the rise of domestically produced bicycles.

Uses of Garden Carts

Garden carts are versatile tools in agriculture for transporting goods like fertilizers, pesticides, water, agricultural materials, seedlings, and harvested products. They are particularly useful in limited spaces where vehicles cannot access them. Additionally, they serve various roles in waste collection, as mobile stalls, and for hobbies like camping and gardening. They are also valuable in disaster scenarios, such as post-earthquake relief efforts.

Features of Garden Carts


Garden carts facilitate the transport of a wide range of items with minimal effort. This is especially beneficial for farmers carrying multiple or heavy items like crops, soil, and seedlings.


The choice of garden cart should be tailored to specific needs. Large carts can carry more but may not be suitable for narrow paths. Conversely, smaller carts are more maneuverable but may tip over if overloaded, necessitating multiple trips. Therefore, careful consideration is needed before purchase.

Types of Garden Carts

1. Size

Garden carts vary in size, categorized as large, medium, and small. Large carts have higher payload capacities, while smaller carts are more agile. Medium-sized carts often offer the advantage of being foldable for storage convenience.

2. Number of Wheels

Two-wheeled carts rely on the principle of leverage for easier transport of heavy loads and are better suited for narrow paths. Four-wheeled carts offer greater stability, ideal for tasks like orchard harvesting, and often feature 360-degree rotating tires for smoother direction changes.

3. Material

Common materials include steel frames, wooden bases, and rubber tires. Aluminum alloy carts are increasingly popular for their rust resistance and lightweight, making them easier to handle, especially for those with limited physical strength.

4. Features

Notable features include the ability to attach to bicycles and collapsibility for convenient storage. The variety in size, material, and features necessitates careful selection based on intended use and storage space considerations.

Other Information on Garden Carts

Demand for Garden Carts

While the production of garden carts declined post-World War II due to the advent of small trucks, they remain essential in agriculture, civil engineering, and construction for maneuvering in areas inaccessible to vehicles.