
Discrete Semiconductor

What Is Discrete Semiconductor?

Discrete Semiconductor is a type of semiconductor product. Also called individual semiconductors, they are semiconductors with a single function implemented on a single chip.

Discrete Semiconductors include diodes, transistors, thyristors, and many others. Modules that combine multiple discrete chips into a single package are also classified as Discrete Semiconductors.

On the other hand, in contrast to single-function discrete, semiconductor products in which multiple semiconductor elements are mounted on a single chip and multiple functions such as calculation and memory are implemented are called integrated circuits (IC).

Uses of Discrete Semiconductor

There are various types of Discrete Semiconductors, each of which is used in a wide range of fields.

Light-emitting elements such as light-emitting diodes are used in lighting, displays, backlights for electronic equipment, remote controls, etc. Light-receiving elements such as photodiodes and phototransistors are used in optical communication systems, spectrometers, automatic doors, sensors, etc.

Power semiconductors such as diodes, transistors, and thyristors control current and power. They are used in power supplies for communication equipment and OA equipment, power control for communication base stations and data centers, power conditioners for power plants, drive systems and vehicle control systems for railroads, and onboard power supplies and chargers for electric vehicles (EV). Power supplies and chargers for electric vehicles (EVs), etc.

Discrete Semiconductor Principles

The principle of operation of the main Discrete Semiconductors is as follows:

  • Diode: A diode is an element that allows current to flow in only one direction.
    When a positive forward voltage is applied to the P side and a negative forward voltage to the N side, excess free electrons from the N side move to the P side and holes from the P side move to the N side, where they combine and disappear at the junction surface.
    At this time, electrons are supplied from the power supply to the N side, electrons flow out from the P side, and current flows from the P side to the N side; if a negative reverse voltage is applied to the P side and a positive voltage to the N side, no current flows because both free electrons and holes move to the opposite side from the junction plane.
  • Transistor: A transistor is a device with a switching function and comes in two types: NPN (N-channel) type and PNP (P-channel) type.
    In the case of the N-channel type, when a voltage higher than the threshold voltage is applied between the P layer and the gate G connected via an insulating layer and the source S, the P layer flips to N, changing from the NPN structure to the NNN structure, and current flows.
  • Thyristor: Thyristor is a device with a rectifying function and has a PNPN 4-layer structure.
    When a trigger signal is input to the gate and a forward voltage is applied between the anode and cathode, the thyristor turns on. Once on, the current continues to flow even if the gate signal is lost. When a reverse voltage is applied between the anode and cathode, the thyristor goes to an off state.

This principle is used to realize an operation in which an alternating current is applied between the anode and cathode to supply power for only half of an AC cycle.


Asphalt Repair Material

What Is an Asphalt Repair Material?

An asphalt repair material is used to repair aging asphalt that has become cracked, dented, or worn due to vehicle traffic or weather conditions.

There are two types of repair materials: the volatile hardening type, which can be easily purchased at home centers, etc. It can be applied simply by pouring the repair material into the area to be repaired and applying rolling pressure. The chemical reaction type, in which hardening, is accelerated by pouring water on the poured area. The application and characteristics of each type differ, so they are used differently depending on the type of construction.

Uses of Asphalt Repair Materials

Asphalt repair materials are used in various situations, regardless of the size of the project, from repairing aging asphalt to temporary restoration work, as well as repairing parking lots and pavement to prevent weeds.

Chemical reaction type repair materials are the most suitable for road repair work because they are all-weather type and can be used in rainy or wet conditions.

While the volatile hardening type is inferior in terms of durability, it does not require water and can be applied simply by applying pressure with a shovel or similar tool, so it is used for temporary pipe restoration work.

Characteristics of Asphalt Repair Materials

Asphalt repair materials are characterized by their quick curing time of approximately 1~2 hours after pouring and applying pressure to minimize the road closure time during the repair.

If the repaired material’s hardness after curing is excessively high, it can be prone to cracking due to the stresses imposed by vehicle traffic. Therefore, the repair material must have a certain degree of flexibility to follow the distortion and hardness must be hard to vary in curing.

Asphalt can be divided into two types: heated types, which harden when cooled, and room-temperature composites, which can be stored at room temperature.

Heated asphalt is not suitable for emergency repairs because it must be heated before use and is used for new roads and parking lots, while room-temperature composites are used for repairs because they can be stored in bags and used immediately.

The strength and cost of room temperature composites vary by type, with the volatile-curing type being less expensive due to its lower strength, while the chemical reaction type has superior strength, but is more expensive.


Semiconductor Laser

What Is a Semiconductor Laser?

A semiconductor laser uses a semiconductor as the medium for laser oscillation. Laser light is emitted when an electric current is applied. It is also commonly referred to as a laser diode.

As laser oscillators, they are currently used in many devices.

The reasons for their use in various fields are that they are compact as lasers, can oscillate at low voltages and currents, have high conversion efficiency to light, and are easy to produce lasers of different wavelengths.

Uses of Semiconductor Lasers

Semiconductor lasers have a wide range of applications, however, the fields in which they can be used depend on the wavelength and output power of the laser light.

For example, the wavelength of light is closely related to the intensity of energy.

For example, a laser with a long wavelength and low energy is used in sensors such as automobile collision prevention, optical measuring instruments, and laser communications.

On the other hand, lasers with shorter wavelengths and higher energy are used for writing on Blu-ray and DVDs, printers, and laser processing.

Principle of Semiconductor Lasers

Semiconductor lasers are able to emit light efficiently because they can generate it by passing an electric current through them. This differs from incandescent light bulbs, which convert electric current into thermal energy.

Simply put, the inside of semiconductor lasers consists of layers called the P-type region, the light-emitting layer (active layer), and the N-type region between the electrodes.

When an electric current flows from the electrodes, holes (holes) from the P-type region and electrons from the N-type region flow into the light-emitting layer.

The holes and electrons combine in the light-emitting layer and emit light. However, at this stage, the light does not have the characteristics of laser light.

The emitted light stimulates other electrons, and the stimulated electrons combine with holes to emit light. This is called induced emission.

The light is reflected by mirrors in the generator layer, which further stimulates induced emission, and the light is amplified to become a strong laser beam that is emitted externally.

In recent years, semiconductor lasers have become more and more sophisticated. The luminous efficiency of semiconductor lasers has been remarkably improved.


Alcohol/Breath Detector

What Is an Alcohol/Breath Detector?

An alcohol/breath detector is a device used to measure the concentration of alcohol (ethanol) in the breath.

Alcohol in the body acts on the brain and causes paralysis of the senses, resulting in a significant loss of alertness and judgment.

By using an alcohol/breath detector, it is possible to prevent driving with insufficiently decomposed alcohol or to detect dangerous driving and prevent accidents from occurring.

Uses of Alcohol/Breath Detectors

Alcohol/breath detectors are used to prevent drunk driving and accidents caused by drunk driving.

In 2011, the regulations were amended to require that transportation operators be inspected at least once a week by an operation manager using alcohol/breath detectors to prevent accidents involving drivers.

In recent years, onboard alcohol/breath detectors have been developed, which, when alcohol is detected, stop the engine and make driving impossible.

Principles of Alcohol/Breath Detectors

There are two main types of alcohol/breath detectors: semiconductors and fuel cells.

The semiconductor method uses the change in electrical conductivity of a semiconductor, such as tin oxide heated to a high temperature for measurement.

When ordinary air comes into contact with the sensor, the oxygen in the air adheres to the sensor surface and binds the free electrons in the semiconductor, resulting in a low electrical conductivity.

It is inexpensive and compact, but somewhat less precise.

The fuel cell method, on the other hand, uses the generation of electricity by an electrode formed by a platinum catalyst and polymer membrane for measurement.

When ethanol is supplied to the detector electrode, it reacts with oxygen to produce hydrogen ions and electrons, which move across the electrode to generate electromotive force. Oxygen is also reduced at the counter electrode.

Since this reaction is unlikely to occur with components other than ethanol, ethanol can be detected with higher precision than with the semiconductor method. However, the disadvantage is the high running cost of the equipment.


Internet of Things (IoT) Service

What Is an Internet of Things (IoT) Service?

IoT service stands for “Internet of Things.” 

To give an example, the IoT is a state in which various information obtained by various sensors is accumulated, and for a certain purpose, a computer analyzes the data, and processes the results remotely through the Internet.

Therefore, an IoT service is an application system that uses IoT to achieve a certain goal or solve a problem. It is used in an extremely diverse range of equipment, including not only smartphones and PCs but also home appliances and various industrial applications, without being limited by industry or scale.

Uses of IoT Services

The most common use of IoT services is proposing system solutions to corporate problems. Companies with system construction capabilities often take on the entire system construction of IoT services, from various sensors and terminals to cloud systems and host servers.

The most popular use of IoT solutions is to improve the efficiency of on-site operations at manufacturing sites. The widespread use of Internet IT technology and high-speed communication systems such as 5G is making it possible to address areas that were difficult to address in the past, such as traffic system management, various disaster prevention measures, and remote medical systems. 

Principles of IoT Services

There are three typical components used in the IoT: first, the cloud server that serves as the host; second, the gateway that connects the device to the host via communications; and third, the device that actually connects to the Internet. While some devices may be connected directly to the server, if the devices are spread over a large area, a gateway is a more efficient way to configure the system. These are controlled through communication via the Internet to run the application system to solve the intended problem.

The NB-IoT (Narrow Band-IoT) is a low-cost and low-power-consumption wireless communication technology that can be used for smart meters, crime prevention, disaster prevention, and other anomaly detection applications, although its communication speed is slow. It is expected to be used for anomaly detection in smart meters, crime prevention, disaster prevention, and other applications.


Power Semiconductor

What Is a Power Semiconductor?

A power semiconductor is a semiconductor that can handle large currents and high voltages without breaking down.

As the name suggests, semiconductors have the characteristics of both conductors and insulators, and they rectify electricity, amplify signals, and perform electrical switching.

Ordinary semiconductors are designed to handle small voltages. Therefore, when handling large voltages, the heat generated inside devices causes them to heat up, which can lead to malfunctions. A power semiconductor, however, incorporates technology to handle these voltages efficiently.

Uses of Power Semiconductors

While semiconductors used in PCs and other devices record and calculate data by applying voltage, power semiconductors are mainly used to control and supply electric power, and handle large voltages and currents.

For this reason, power semiconductors are used in a wide range of applications, from white goods such as televisions and air conditioners to automobiles, railroads, and power generation equipment.

Currently, industrial equipment is the primary field of application, however since the environment, energy, and automated driving are attracting attention, we believe that more and more power semiconductors will be supplied to the energy and automotive fields in the future.

Features of Power Semiconductors

The main function of power semiconductors is to control and supply large voltages and currents. However, the definition of where power semiconductors come from has not been clearly determined.

Depending on the manufacturer, power semiconductors are considered to be those with a rated current of approximately 1A or more.

Power semiconductors perform the following four functions:

  • The first is as a converter. The current coming from the power plant is an alternating current. However, home appliances operate on direct current. Therefore, the converter in the home appliance performs this conversion.
  • The second is an inverter. The converter converts the converted DC into AC again. This inverter controls the motor of the device or appliance.
  • The third is the frequency converter. Although this is not a major concern in today’s general household appliances, some industrial equipment and electrical tools can only operate at a certain frequency, so the frequency is converted by power semiconductors inside the equipment.
  • The fourth is a regulator. It is used to stabilize the DC voltage. A regulator is used because DC converted from AC is unstable.

Document Management Software

What Are Document Management Software?

Document Management Software is a general term for available software with the function to efficiently handle important documents and information.

Document Management Software enables efficient information sharing, retrieval, and information security. They include digitization, which digitizes paper documents; classification management, which classifies, organizes, and stores documents; access management, which manages document usage and access privileges; and disposal and storage management, which manages document disposal and storage deadlines.

In recent years, Document Management Software using cloud services and artificial intelligence (AI)-based document classification and retrieval systems have been attracting attention. These technologies enable more advanced document management software.

Uses of Document Management Software

Document Management Software is used in various situations in companies and organizations.

Here are some of the uses:

1. Improving Efficiency of Information Sharing

Document Management Software allows centralization of information and efficient sharing of information within a company. Even in cases where documents are scattered or handwritten, digitization and software can be used to quickly locate necessary information.

2. Information Security

Proper document management software can reduce the risk of information leaks and unauthorized access. Access authorization management, disposal and storage management can prevent information leaks and unauthorized use.

3. Compliance

Document Management Software based on laws and regulations is useful in situations where compliance is required.

4. Improvement of Workflow

Document Management Software can be used to improve workflow. For example, sharing documents and automating the approval process can improve work efficiency and prevent errors.

5. Analysis for Business Improvement

Document Management Software enables the collection of data that can be used to improve business operations. For example, document usage and access logs can be analyzed to derive ideas for business improvement.

Principles of Document Management Software

Document Management Software consists of the following functions:

1. Formulation of Document Management Software Rules

Formulation of document management software rules is an important step that forms the foundation of document management. By clearly defining document types, retention periods, access privileges, disposal criteria, etc., The software can centralize document management and prevent information leaks and unauthorized use. 

2. Document Classification

There are different methods for classifying documents according to business processes and document types. Appropriate setting of the classification method enables quick retrieval of necessary information. In addition, common classification rules and periodic review of the classification master are used to classify documents.

3. Access Control

Access privileges are set for viewing and using documents to prevent information leaks and unauthorized use. Access privileges are set according to position and job description. In addition, access logs are recorded and access privileges are periodically reviewed.

4. Disposal and Storage Management

Document Management Software reduces the burden of information leakage and information management by managing document disposal and retention deadlines. Disposal and retention deadlines are determined in accordance with laws and internal company regulations.

Other Information on Document Management Software

1. ISO9001 Definition

Documents are defined in ISO 9001 as “information and the media in which it is contained”. Information can be in various forms, such as text, program code, or blueprints, and the medium can be paper or electronic.

Similar to documents are records. Records are a form of documentation, defined in ISO 9001 as “document that describes the results achieved or provides evidence of activities performed.”

2. Document Life Cycle

In general, documents managed by document management software are documents other than records. Since records have the nature of evidence of facts, any change is falsification and is prohibited. On the other hand, documents such as contracts and specifications may be changed according to circumstances and are called updates or revisions.

Document Management Software reviews and approves the created documents for appropriateness before issuing them. After issuance, when updates are made as necessary, they are also reviewed and re-approved. Change Management Software is also required to identify where a document has been changed, its change history, and the version in effect.

When issued documents are disseminated or distributed internally or externally to share information, it is necessary to maintain document management software to determine who has access to the documents. In addition, a storage deadline should be set, and a method for disposing of documents after the storage deadline is over should also be determined in advance.

In document management software, it is important to clarify the rules at each stage of the document lifecycle, from creation, distribution, storage, and disposal.


Online Web-Based Document Management Service

What Is a Reporting Cloud Service?

A Reporting Cloud Service is a service that allows users to create and manage all forms in one place.

Companies, organizations, and sole proprietors use this service to create and manage invoices, delivery slips, and other forms. Due to the impact of legal changes, forms can now be managed as electronic data instead of the traditional paper form. 

Reporting Cloud Services are expected to facilitate the management of forms and data, thereby improving work hours and reducing costs.

Usage of Reporting Cloud Services

Reporting Cloud Services are used to streamline the creation and management of all kinds of forms, such as quotations, invoices, delivery slips, and payment details. They are widely used by large companies to small and medium-sized companies that handle the above-mentioned forms.

The use of the cloud makes it possible to keep the software up-to-date without the need for an in-house server. Companies that want to reduce the extra burden on their staff to manage forms in data, for example, are increasingly adopting the cloud services for forms.

Principles of Reporting Cloud Services

Reporting Cloud Services consist of functions for creating, converting, managing, and sharing forms, etc. Since the service is based on a web browser, there is no need to purchase or install special software.

The advantage is that these functions can be used simply by accessing the service from a web browser, so they can be accessed on the go.

1. Report Creation Function

The report creation function allows users to create reports using templates. There are various types of templates available, and using a template that matches the type of form will help reduce man-hours spent on form creation and unify the management format.

There is also a function that automatically adjusts the layout for printing. Since the functions provided vary depending on the cloud service, it is important to clarify the necessary functions in advance. 

2. Report Conversion Function

The report conversion function allows Excel and Word files to be converted to PDF, which has the advantages of preventing falsification, simplifying email transmission, and reducing data volume.

3. Management and Sharing of Forms

The report management/sharing function allows history and search of saved reports and sharing with multiple users. Folders can be sorted in the same way as on a PC, and permissions can be set by department or position (e.g., editable, read-only, etc.) for more precise management of forms.

Search can be performed not only by file or folder name, but also by the wording of the contents of the form.

Other Information on Report Cloud Services

Storage of Ledger Sheets

The term ledger sheets is an accounting term that refers to books and vouchers. Until now, ledger sheets and documents were basically stored in paper form, leading to complicated accounting data management and difficulties in securing management space.

In the event of a tax audit, the requested forms had to be clearly indicated, and efficient execution of form data management has been required. However, with the ongoing digitization of the economy and society are usually permitted to be stored as electronic data.

Amid such social changes, it has become standard for ledger sheets to be stored as electronic data, and the use of ledger sheet cloud services is progressing. Large volumes of forms data can be managed in the cloud, processed at high speed, and data can be created and sent as needed.

In addition, monitoring and maintenance systems have been established as a security measure in case of emergency, and consideration has also been given to backup systems in the event of a natural disaster.


Inventory Control System

What Is an Inventory Control System?

An inventory control system is a system that facilitates inventory operations, especially for companies with a large amount of inventory. The conventional method of counting all inventory one by one and comparing it with the number of items in the ledger book requires a lot of manpower and a huge amount of time.

Therefore, by managing each item with a barcode or IC tag and reading it with a handy scanner, the inventory verification process can be made easier. In addition, since the read data can be handled as-is in electronic form. It is easy to check whether the actual number of items in stock matches the number of items on the ledger sheet.

Uses of Inventory Control Systems

Since inventories are used to determine the current inventory status accurately, inventories can be used to calculate the cost of goods and profit. In other words, inventory control systems allows company to quickly and accurately determine its profits and help it determine its business strategy.

In addition, if the system is built to manage inventory counts in real time, it can be reflected in material procurement and product sales policies, as needed. Furthermore, errors in receiving and shipping can be quickly identified, leading to early resolution of problems.

Features of Inventory Control Systems

There are various ways to build inventory control systems, so it is important to consider the cost and benefits of implementing and operating the system in relation to the size of the inventory.

The first and easiest way is to use Excel for inventory management, where formulas and macros can be used to reconcile actual inventory counts with those on the ledger sheet. However, since the most time-consuming part of the inventory process, i.e., checking the inventory count and inputting it into Excel, is a manual process, it does not save a great deal of time.

The next method is to manage each item by barcode. By simply reading the barcode with a barcode scanner, the inventory can be checked smoothly, and by linking it to a PC, the time and effort of inputting the data can be eliminated. This reduces the number of inventory counting and entry errors.

Furthermore, if ID tag management is introduced, multiple items can be read at once while being placed on the shelf, eliminating the need to take items out one by one and read their barcodes. Robots can also be combined to create an unmanned automated system.


Order Picking System

What Is an Order Picking System?

Order Picking Systems

“Picking” is the process of picking up and collecting specified products, mainly in a warehouse. “Sorting” is the process of taking out one by one from pallets stacked with many cardboard boxes containing products and sorting them into shelves in a factory or warehouse in the previous process.

An order picking system is one of the indispensable tasks in a logistics warehouse. It requires accuracy and high speed to pick up products without fail, because any mistake in the sorting process may lead to wrong shipments unless the person in charge of picking can detect it.

Uses of Order Picking Systems

The general flow of logistics is to sort products ordered from Internet shopping sites, etc., in a warehouse, pick the products, inspect them from packaging in the subsequent process, and finally ship them, and order picking systems are relatively front-end process of logistics.

However, it is an important process that directly leads to incorrect shipment if the wrong items are picked up, so it is necessary to have the accuracy to pick up items correctly and the skills to sort and pick up items speedily for prompt shipment. Therefore, it is necessary to have the accuracy to pick up the wrong items accurately, and the skill to sort and pick up the items quickly for prompt delivery.

Principles of Order Picking Systems

There are two main types of picking, each of which is used depending on the size of the warehouse.

Single Picking (Picking Method)

In this method, products are picked up for each order, and the products to be packed are grouped together so that the packing can proceed smoothly.

This method is suitable for items with a relatively small number of shipments, but has the disadvantage of requiring long travel time to pick up each order when the number of shipments increases, as well as the time required to search for the items.

Total Picking (Seeding Method)

In this method, multiple items that have been ordered are picked together and collected at the loading dock, and then sorted and transported to the shipping destination from there.

Compared to single picking, this method reduces travel time, but requires space for a separate loading dock, so it is mainly used in large warehouses with a large area.