
Itaconic acid

What Is Itaconic Acid?

Itaconic Acid is an aliphatic dicarboxylic acid, an isomer of mesaconic acid and citraconic acid.

Itaconic Acid is a colorless, hygroscopic crystal with a characteristic odor. It is also known as methylene succinic acid. It is soluble in water and ethanol, but insoluble in benzene, chloroform, and ether.

It is a 5-carbon dicarboxylic acid produced by fungi and has a special molecular structure with vinylidene groups (exomethylene groups). Its CAS number is No. 97-65-4.

Uses of Itaconic Acid

Itaconic Acid is used in the following applications:

1. Raw Material for Polymers

The double bond in itaconic acid causes radical polymerization. Since it is a dicarboxylic acid, it can be polymerized with diol compounds and converted into polyesters. Copolymerization of itaconic acid ester with other monomers has been commercialized by many companies.

Addition of itaconic acid esters to polymers improves photostability, surface hardness, heat resistance, internal plasticity, adhesion, solvent resistance, and water resistance.

Itaconic acid esters, like acrylic esters, are widely used in paint bases, paper and leather coatings, fiber processing, adhesive wax bases, synthetic rubbers, and adhesives. They are also used in ion exchange resins, ABS resins, and AS resins (acrylonitrile-styrene copolymerization). 

2. Food Additives, Agricultural Chemicals, Etc.

Itaconic acid is a food additive. It is used as an acidifier and pH adjuster.

It is also used as a pesticide as an apple pesticide and plant growth regulator. It is believed that when applied after pollination of the apical bud center flower is completed, it causes inhibition of pollen tube elongation or inhibition of fertilization by burning of the column head due to organic acids, thereby producing the effect of flower plucking.

It is also highly regarded as a safe substance used as a raw material for printing inks, dental cement, and industrial cement.

Properties of Itaconic Acid

Itaconic acid is a colorless, hygroscopic crystal with a characteristic odor. Its melting point is 164-168℃ (decomposition). It is well soluble in water, soluble in ethanol, and slightly soluble in benzene, chloroform, ether, etc.

Other Information on Itaconic Acid

1. Handling Precautions

Itaconic acid is an extremely safe compound, however because it is an acidic substance, protective equipment (gloves, glasses, mask, etc.) must be worn when handling it. It is important not to store it with alkaline substances and to store it in a cool, well-ventilated place. 

2.Anti-Inflammatory Effects

It has recently been discovered that itaconic acid itself has anti-inflammatory properties. It has also been found that compounds such as protolichesterinic acid, which has the molecular skeleton of itaconic acid in their molecules, exhibit a variety of physiological activities, including antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, and plant growth regulating activities.

These activities are presumed to be derived from the α,β-unsaturated carbonyl structure, but the details are not known. Thus, compounds with the molecular skeleton of itaconic acid and its derivatives are promising as pharmaceutical raw materials. 

3. SDGs With Itaconic Acid

Since most of the raw materials for polymers are petroleum, there are concerns about resource depletion, increasing CO2 concentration, and worsening global warming.

For example, polystyrene is made by polymerizing styrene, which is synthesized from ethylbenzene, and ethylbenzene is produced from petroleum. Producing petroleum-derived polymers is considered contrary to sustainable economic activities (SDGs).

In contrast, if polymers can be synthesized from plant resources that grow while taking in CO2 from the atmosphere, global warming can be expected to be curbed through the CO2 cycle. Polymer biopolymers (polymers using biomass) are attracting attention.

Itaconic acid is one of the polymers that can be obtained from plant resources by fermentation, and is a representative example of a biomass-utilizing polymer. It is also one of the 12 biobased key chemicals proposed by the U.S. Department of Energy.

Currently, research on polymers made from biomass such as itaconic acid and research on microorganisms that produce itaconic acid is active.


Isophthalic Acid

What Is Isophthalic Acid?

Isophthalic acid is an aromatic dicarboxylic acid, with two carboxyl groups substituted at the meta-position of the benzene ring, also known as benzene-1,3-dicarboxylic acid. It has structural isomers including phthalic acid (ortho-position substitution) and terephthalic acid (para-position substitution).

Isophthalic acid is highly valued as a raw material in the chemical industry, primarily synthesized by oxidizing mixed xylene-containing isomers.

Uses of Isophthalic Acid

Isophthalic acid, with its two functional groups, is a monomer used in polymers, producing resins with excellent heat resistance, electrical properties, and release characteristics. Its applications include functional paints, plasticizers, automotive, marine, and aircraft industry materials. Unsaturated polyester resins made with isophthalic acid have superior properties compared to those made with phthalic acid. Other uses include modifying polyethylene terephthalate (PET) resin for improved transparency, alkyd resins for coatings with good gloss and adhesion, and polyester fibers for enhanced dyeability and texture. Additionally, meta-aramid fibers synthesized from isophthalic acid are used in various industrial materials and protective clothing due to their heat, flame, and corrosion resistance.

Properties of Isophthalic Acid

Isophthalic acid, with the chemical formula C8H6O4 and a molecular weight of 166.14, is a colorless, odorless, needle-like crystal. Its melting point is around 347±2℃. It is slightly soluble in polar solvents like water, acetone, and ethanol at room temperature, but insoluble in non-polar solvents like benzene, toluene, and petroleum ether. Isophthalic acid can form polyester resins through dehydration with polyols and can also react with amines to form amides.

Production Method of Isophthalic Acid

Isophthalic acid is mainly synthesized by oxidizing mixed xylene. Methods include the Amoco method, which air-oxidizes meta-xylene in an acetic acid solvent using organic acid salts of heavy metals and bromine as catalysts, and the sulfur-ammonia oxidation method, which oxidizes methaxylene in an aqueous ammonia solution using sulfur or sulfide as an oxidant.


Cyanuric acid

What Is Cyanuric Acid?

Cyanuric Acid is an organic compound synthesized from urea. It is a colorless crystalline solid at room temperature and pressure. Its chemical formula is C3H3O3N3. Its molar mass is 129.1 g/mol, melting point is 320 to 360°C, and CAS number is 108-80-5.

Since it has a trione structure with three carbonyl groups, it is in equilibrium between two structures: a keto form and an enol form. The enol form is called cyanuric acid and the keto form is called isocyanuric acid.

Properties of Cyanuric Acid

Cyanuric acid is a tri-polymerized molecule of urea.

By heating urea to approximately 200°C, a mixture of cyanuric acid with ammeline and ammelides is obtained. By adding inorganic strong acids such as hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid, other substances are converted to isocyanuric acid, resulting in highly pure isocyanuric acid.

Cyanuric acid is virtually insoluble in water and acetone, and soluble in small amounts in organic solvents such as ether and alcohol. It is also highly soluble in pyridine and hot water.

Uses of Cyanuric Acid

Cyanuric acid is rarely used on its own, but is converted to derivatives before being used. Among isocyanuric acid derivatives, trichloroisocyanuric acid (chlorinated isocyanuric acid) and melamine cyanurate are industrially used.

1. Chlorinated Isocyanuric Acid

Chlorinated isocyanuric acid is a substance obtained by replacing several hydrogen atoms of isocyanuric acid with chlorine atoms. The name trichloroisocyanuric acid refers to the three substitutions, while dichloroisocyanuric acid refers to the two substitutions.

Chlorinated cyanuric acid is a white crystalline solid with a strong chlorine odor. It is often used in the form of sodium or potassium salts to increase water solubility.

Comparing trichloroisocyanuric acid and dichloroisocyanuric acid, trichlorocyanuric acid is less soluble in water, and comparing sodium salt and potassium salt, potassium salt is less soluble. Therefore, it is important to select the appropriate compound for the application.

When in contact with water, they quickly decompose into hypochlorous acid and cyanuric acid. Hypochlorous acid is a powerful oxidizing agent and has bactericidal properties. For this reason, it has been used primarily as a disinfectant to disinfect water in swimming pools, or as a detergent or bleaching agent. Compared to inorganic water treatment agents, chlorine has the characteristic of dissolving slowly over a long period of time.

It is considered less toxic because it does not accumulate in the tissues of the human body and is excreted quickly. However, care must be taken when storing it because it can decompose to produce toxic gases such as hydrogen chloride, hypochlorous acid, and nitrogen oxide.

Applications other than disinfectants include chlorinating agents in organic chemistry experiments and anti-frizz agents for wool.

2. Melamine Cyanurate

Melamine cyanurate is a substance obtained by the reaction of cyanuric acid with melamine. Melanin and cyanuric acid form salts via hydrogen bonds only, and no covalent bonds are formed between them. It is insoluble in water, but is easily dispersed in organic solvents. It is a crystalline white solid at room temperature and pressure, and is used as a white solid lubricant.

In addition, a carbon foam layer is formed during the thermal decomposition process, and this layer is seen to work as a heat and oxygen barrier. Since it does not contain halogens, produces almost no smoke during decomposition, and emits only low-toxicity gases such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and ammonia, it is attracting attention as an environmentally friendly flame retardant. It should be stored in a dry environment at room temperature.



What Is Ammonia?

Ammonia is an inorganic compound of nitrogen (N) and hydrogen (H). It is characterized by a strong pungent odor.

In nature, ammonia is present in trace amounts in the atmosphere and in small amounts in natural water. It is also present in soil as nitrogen organic matter contained in fertilizers (including ammonia), animal and plant remains, etc., which are decomposed into Ammonia nitrogen by decomposing organisms.

Industrial production of ammonia is generally based on the Haber-Bosch process, in which nitrogen and hydrogen are reacted on a catalyst in a pressurized, high-temperature environment.

Ammonia is stable as a gas at room temperature and pressure.

Uses of Ammonia

1. Fertilizer

The most common use of ammonia are as chemical fertilizer.
About 80% of ammonia produced in the world is consumed as fertilizer. The remaining 20% ​​is used for industrial purposes as a basic material for chemical products.

2. Fuel ammonia

In recent years, research into the use of ammonia as fuel energy has been attracting attention as one of the new approaches to combating global warming. This is because ammonia is a carbon-free substance that does not emit carbon dioxide when burned. Currently, technological development is underway for “thermal co-firing,” in which ammonia are mixed with coal-fired power generation boilers and burned.

3. Energy carrier

Hydrogen is increasingly being used as an energy source to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Hydrogen, which is difficult to transport in large quantities, is converted into another material, which is called a “hydrogen carrier“. It is said that ammonia (NH3) containing molecular hydrogen (H) may be useful as a transport medium.

Existing technology for the transport of ammonia are well established, since ammonia are imported and exported worldwide, mainly for fertilizer applications, as described above. After transportation, ammonia can be converted back to hydrogen by thermal decomposition in the presence of a catalyst and used in fuel cells and other applications, or it can be used as fuel in its ammonia form.



What Is Anthracene?

Anthracene is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon consisting of three fused benzene rings. It has a molecular formula of C14H10 and a molecular weight of 178.23. At room temperature, anthracene is a white solid that emits violet fluorescence at 400-500 nm. It is insoluble in water and ethanol but soluble in hot toluene.

Uses of Anthracene

Anthracene is used in the production of various synthetic dyes, including anthraquinone dyes like alizarin and indanthrene. It is also a precursor for anthraquinone, an important dye intermediate, and is used in producing carbon black and tanning agents. Additionally, anthracene is used in paints, insect repellents, wood preservatives, herbicides, plant growth regulators, and fluorescent dyes.

Principles of Anthracene

1. Anthracene Production Methods

Anthracene is typically produced industrially by separating and purifying it from the anthracene oil fraction of coal tar. In the laboratory, it can be synthesized through the reduction of anthraquinone, or by condensation reactions using benzyl chloride and aluminum chloride, or tetrabromobenzene with benzene.

2. Chemical Reactions of Anthracene

Anthracene is photoreactive, undergoing a [4+4] cyclization reaction upon exposure to ultraviolet light, producing a dimer that reverts to the monomer upon heating or UV irradiation. The central ring of anthracene is highly reactive, undergoing aromatic electrophilic substitution mainly at positions 9 and 10, oxidation to anthraquinone, and reduction to 9,10-dihydroanthracene. It also undergoes a Diels-Alder reaction with singlet oxygen.

Types of Anthracene

Anthracene is available as a chemical reagent in various purities and is sold in quantities suitable for both laboratory and industrial applications. Additionally, deuterated derivatives like anthracene d-10 are used as internal standards for GC-MS analysis.

Other Information on Anthracene

Safety of Anthracene

Anthracene is irritating to the skin and can decompose under heat or strong oxidants, producing irritating and toxic fumes. Proper safety precautions should be taken when handling this compound.



What Is Anthraquinone?

Anthraquinones are organic compounds belonging to the aromatic family that are also found in natural plants such as aloe. They have the IUPAC systematic name of anthracene-9,10-dione. They are also known as 9,10-anthracenedione, anthracene-9,10-quinone, and anthradione.

Anthraquinones are the source of pigments in fruit peels and leaves.

Uses of Anthraquinones

Anthraquinones are mainly used in industrial applications.

As an example, they can be used as a starting material for the production of anthraquinone-based dyes. Anthraquinone-based dyes are characterized by their resistance to sunlight and washing and rich and vivid colors, and are positioned as high-grade dyes.

Other applications include intermediates in the manufacture of laxatives, additives in pulp evaporation, and hydrogen carriers in the production of hydrogen peroxide.

In the agricultural field, they can also be used as a bird repellent.

Properties of Anthraquinone

Anthraquinone has a melting point of 286°C and a boiling point of 379.8°C. At room temperature, it exists in the form of yellow crystals. 

Anthraquinone is soluble in nitrobenzene and aniline. It dissolves in benzene and toluene when heated, but not in water or alcohol. Under normal conditions, anthraquinone is chemically very stable.

Structure of Anthraquinone

Anthraquinone is a derivative of anthracene. The chemical formula of anthracene is C14H10, and that of anthraquinone is C14H8O2. The molar mass is 208.21 g/mol and the density is 1.308 g/cm3.

Three isomers exist: 1,2-Anthraquinone, 1,4-Anthraquinone, and 9,10-Anthraquinone. However, 9,10-Anthraquinone is usually referred to as specifically 9,10-Anthraquinone.

Other Information on Anthraquinone

1. Synthesis of Anthraquinone

Anthraquinone is obtained by oxidizing anthracene.

They can also be synthesized using the Friedel-Crafts reaction. Anthraquinone is produced by the condensation of phthalic anhydride with benzene using aluminum chloride. In this reaction, o-benzoylbenzoic acid is produced, which spontaneously cyclizes to yield anthraquinone.

Anthraquinone can also be synthesized by the Diels-Alder reaction of 1,3-diene and naphthoquinone (1,4-naphthoquinone).

2. Reaction of Anthraquinone

The Bally-Scholl synthesis is an example of a classical reaction using anthraquinone. Anthraquinones react with glycerol to form benzanthrone. In the Barry-Scholl synthesis, one carbonyl group of the quinone is reduced to methylene in the presence of copper and sulfuric acid, and glycerol is added.

3. Application of Anthraquinone

Many natural dyes have an anthraquinone skeleton. For example, anthraquinone is used as a raw material for the dye alizarin. In addition, the industrial derivative 2-ethylanthraquinone is used for the production of hydrogen peroxide.


Sodium Aluminate

What Is Sodium Aluminate?

Sodium aluminate refers to several inorganic compounds that contain sodium and aluminum, including NaAlO2, Na[Al(OH)4], Na2O-Al2O3, and Na2Al2O4. It is soluble in water and insoluble in organic solvents. It is a white solid at room temperature in powder form. Na[Al(OH)4] is typically handled as a liquid due to its difficulty in being isolated as a solid from the solution.

Uses of Sodium Aluminate

Sodium aluminate is widely used in civil engineering, construction, water purification, paper manufacturing, and pharmaceutical manufacturing as a raw material for industrial chemicals. It serves as a hardening agent for soil, an additive for firebricks, a coagulation aid in water treatment, and a sizing agent in paper manufacturing.

Principle of Sodium Aluminate

1. Sodium Aluminate Production Method

Sodium aluminate compounds are synthesized from aluminum (such as solid aluminum, aluminum oxide, or aluminum hydroxide) and strong bases like sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate. Industrially, aluminum hydroxide Al(OH)3 is dissolved in a sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution, heated, and dehydrated to obtain NaAlO2.

2. Properties of Sodium Aluminate

Sodium aluminate aqueous solutions are strong bases, reacting violently with acids and corrosive to certain metals. They react with ammonium salts and are considered a fire hazard. Sodium aluminum dioxide (NaAlO2) is water-soluble and forms a strong base when dissolved, easily hydrolyzed to precipitate aluminum hydroxide in weak acids.

Types of Sodium Aluminate

Sodium aluminate products, primarily NaAlO2 and Na[Al(OH)4], are available as chemical reagents and for various industrial applications. They are sold in forms like liquid Na[Al(OH)4] and powder NaAlO2, in packaging such as tank trucks, drums, and paper bags for industrial use.



What Is Acetophenone?

Acetophenone, also known as methylphenyl ketone, has a distinctive orange blossom-like aroma. It is a colorless liquid at room temperature. As a natural product, acetophenone is found in labdanum oil, sea dandelion incense, strawberries, and Japanese tea flowers. Acetophenone is widely used in fragrances, solvents, and as a material for organic synthesis.

Physicochemical Properties of Acetophenone

Acetophenone has a molecular formula of C8H8O, and its IUPAC name is 1-phenylethan-1-one. It holds a molecular weight of 120.15 and has a melting point of 19.65°C. It is insoluble in water, but soluble in ethanol and chloroform.

Characteristics and Uses of Acetophenone

Unique Aroma and Use as a Flavoring Agent

Acetophenone is widely used as a synthetic raw material for flavoring and fragrances, taking advantage of its unique aroma. Examples of its use include many foods such as nuts, beverages, ice cream, and candy, as well as cigarettes.

High Reactivity of the Keto Group and Its Use in Industrial Products and Pharmaceuticals

Acetophenone is a useful substrate in the organic synthesis of industrial products and pharmaceuticals due to its structural feature of having a carbonyl group. In industrial product applications, acetophenone is used as a raw material for photoinitiators for functional resins and photographic films, which are still in strong demand, as well as various solvents that take advantage of its high boiling point and excellent stability.

Chalcones as Synthetic Substrates and Their Relationship to Green Chemistry

This compound is a good substrate for the well-known aldol reaction, a reaction that stretches CC bonds to form new bonds. Because of this feature, it is widely used as an intermediate in many pharmaceuticals. One example of such a reaction is the synthesis of chalcones by aldol condensation of



What Is Acetonitrile?

Acetonitrile is a clear, colorless liquid with CAS RN® 75-05-8. It is chemically stable, soluble in water and alcohols, and in many organic compounds, making it an indispensable substance in industry.

Acetonitrile has the molecular formula C₂H₃N, molecular weight of 41.05, boiling point of 81.6°C, melting point of -45°C, and specific gravity of 0.783. It has a high dielectric constant of 37.5 and mixes well with water. It is hydrophobic with a methyl group CH3 and polarized nitrile CN, making it a molecule with both hydrophobicity and polarity and is one of the polar aprotic solvents, which are polar solvents without hydroxyl groups.

Because of its hazardous effects on health, it must be used under appropriate management.

Uses of Acetonitrile

The following are three uses of acetonitrile:

1. Solvents and Analytical Reagents

Acetonitrile is used as a solvent for organic synthesis reactions and purification and as an analytical reagent. It can be uniformly mixed with water and organic solvents, dissolving many compounds. It is an excellent HPLC solvent, solubilizing octadecyl group carriers used in reversed-phase HPLC.

Due to its low UV absorption, it provides good chromatograms with low background signal in HPLC combined with UV detection. Compared to methanol, another common HPLC solvent, acetonitrile has superior separation ability and its low viscosity lowers the pressure during use.

2. Dissolution of Polar Substances

As a polar aprotic solvent, acetonitrile is used to dissolve polar substances without water. It is employed in non-aqueous reactions using AlCl3 and POCl3, where water should not be present. Its high dielectric property enhances the reaction rate in synthetic organic reactions, serving as a solvent to provide a reaction field.

3. Pesticides, Pharmaceuticals, Etc.

Acetonitrile, like other nitrile compounds, is used in organic synthesis, leveraging the reactivity of cyano groups. It is utilized in agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, dyes, synthetic resin modifiers, epoxy resin curing agents, etc. It forms binary azeotropic mixtures with many organic solvents and is used as an extraction and distillation solvent in the petroleum refining field, specifically in separating olefins from paraffin-olefin mixtures.

Future applications include use as an electrolyte for secondary batteries, a solvent for organic EL material synthesis, and for cleaning electronic components, as well as in DNA synthesis and purification.

Types of Acetonitrile

Reflecting its diverse uses, acetonitrile products with controlled impurities are available for different applications. Analytical reagents include those for HPLC, LC/MS, pesticide residue, and PCB testing.

Other Information on Acetonitrile

Acetonitrile Supply Issues

Acetonitrile is mostly obtained as a byproduct of acrylonitrile production. Fluctuations in the automobile industry, which uses acrylonitrile in ABS resin, affect the supply of acetonitrile. Recent concerns over its supply were raised during the 2020 global coronavirus outbreak, impacting automobile plant operations.

Companies handling acetonitrile are striving to ensure stable supply through securing raw materials, setting up their plants, and exploring alternative synthesis methods. Meanwhile, HPLC manufacturers are developing equipment that uses less solvent to mitigate the impact of acetonitrile supply issues on users’ businesses.



What Is Acetaldehyde?

Acetaldehyde is an organic compound, an aldehyde with the chemical formula C2H4O.

Its IUPAC nomenclature name is ethanal, and another name for it is ethylaldehyde.

It has a molecular weight of 44.05, a melting point of -123°C, and a boiling point of 20.1°C. It is a clear, colorless liquid at room temperature with a putrid smell. Its density is 0.790 g/cm3 (at 10°C), and it is extremely soluble in water and solvents such as ethanol and diethyl ether.

Uses of Acetaldehyde

The main uses of acetaldehyde include as a raw material for manufacturing various organic compounds like acetic acid, aldehydes, antifungal agents, antiseptics, solvents, photo-developing chemicals, fuel blending agents, reducing agents, and medical chemicals.

It is used to synthesize pentaerythritol, crotonaldehyde, glyoxal, pyridine, acetonitrile, and acetic acid.

Principle of Acetaldehyde

The principle of acetaldehyde includes aspects of production and chemical reaction:

1. Production of Acetaldehyde

Acetaldehyde is industrially obtained by Wacker oxidation of ethylene.

2. Chemical Reaction of Acetaldehyde

Acetaldehyde is primarily used in the industrial synthesis of ethyl acetate by the Tishchenko reaction. In this reaction, two acetaldehyde molecules disproportionate into a carboxylic acid and an alcohol using an alkoxide as a catalyst, forming ethyl acetate by dehydration condensation.

It was previously used for synthesizing acetic acid but is now less common due to more efficient methods using methanol or acetylene.

3. Chemical Properties of Acetaldehyde

Acetaldehyde is a volatile substance with a low boiling point of 20.1℃ and exhibits keto-enol tautomerism. It is primarily in the keto form, with an equilibrium constant at room temperature of 6 × 10-5.

With a flash point of -38 ºC, it is highly flammable. It may form explosive peroxides in contact with air and react explosively with substances like oxygen, cobalt chloride, dinitrogen pentoxide, mercury chlorate, mercury perchlorate, silver nitrate, and hydrogen peroxide.

In the presence of trace metals, it may polymerize due to acids and alkaline hydroxides. It acts as a reducing agent and can pose a fire and explosion hazard when reacting with oxidants, strong acids, halogens, and amines.

4. Acetaldehyde and the Human Body

Acetaldehyde has a distinctive odor and irritating properties. It is an air pollutant derived from automobile exhaust, cigarette smoke, and glue used in plywood. Exposure to high amounts can be harmful, increasing cancer risk. It is one of the causative agents of sick building syndrome.

In the body, acetaldehyde is produced by alcohol dehydrogenase in the liver when ethanol is ingested, and is metabolized to acetic acid by acetaldehyde dehydrogenase.

Acetaldehyde is known for causing hangover symptoms. Its metabolism varies depending on race and constitution, influencing alcohol consumption constitution.

Types of Acetaldehyde

Acetaldehyde is sold as a reagent product for research and development and as a raw material for industrial organic synthesis.

Reagent products are available in capacities like 100mL, 500mL, 1L, and 500g. Industrial chemicals are available in larger capacities such as 14 kg canister cans.