
Thick Printed Copper

What Is Thick Printed Copper?

Thick printed copper is a type of copper substrate in which the thickness of the copper used is large.

Ordinary copper substrates have a thickness of 30-100 µm, while thick printed copper has a thickness of 140 µm or more. Thick printed copper can carry larger currents than normal copper substrates can, allowing for the operation of higher-power machines. Thick printed copper is being used more and more these days as high-power machines become more common.

Uses of Thick Printed Copper

Thick printed copper is necessary for high-power and high-current applications, and can dissipate the heat generated by high currents. Therefore, they are often used in small, high-current applications, and are often mounted in products that require greater durability. A particularly common application is power modules, which are electronic components for automobiles.

Originally, the power supply for automobiles and the distribution of power to electronic devices was done through dedicated power distribution, but this required complicated wiring, which was quite costly. However, the use of Thick printed copper has enabled high current flow, facilitating wiring design and making it possible to downsize products.

Principle of Thick Printed Copper

While most ordinary copper substrates have a thickness of 15 to 35 µm, thick printed copper has a thickness of over 140 µm. Because copper itself has high thermal conductivity, a larger current can be conducted in a smaller area by increasing the copper thickness.

Another feature is the high heat dissipation of the substrate itself. The higher heat dissipation of the substrate prevents the temperature of components from rising during operation, allowing them to operate more efficiently and extending the life of the components.

Types of Thick Printed Copper

There are four main types of thick printed copper:

  1. Busbar boards, which are made by embedding a metal busbar into the circuit.
  2. Cavity substrates with high heat dissipation, in which the conductors are exposed through a counterboring process.
  3. Copper inlay substrates with high heat dissipation, in which copper is injected directly under components that generate high heat.
  4. Thick printed copper with copper patterns of different thicknesses within a single substrate.

Thick printed copper with different thicknesses on the same surface allow multiple wiring designs on the same surface. It is important to select the right one for the intended use.


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