

What Is Oryzanol?

Oryzanol is a collection of compounds consisting of phytosterols or triterpene alcohols bound to ferulic acid.

Oryzanol is known to possess a variety of properties in addition to its antioxidant capacity. Among oryzanols, gamma oryzanol is the most well-known and most commonly used.

Gamma-oryzanol is abundant in rice in nature. It is found naturally in rice, especially in brown rice (especially rice bran). It is expected to reduce cholesterol in the body and support the autonomic nervous system.

Gamma oryzanol is a stable substance that does not decompose easily, even at high temperatures, and is safe for the human body.

Uses of Oryzanol

The main use of oryzanol is for application to the human body. Gamma oryzanol, the most commonly used oryzanol, has various properties for the human body.

These properties are mainly used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and foods. The daily oral dosage for pharmaceuticals has a range from 10 mg to 50 mg. The maximum amount that can be added to cosmetics and foods is also determined.

1. Pharmaceutical Applications

In the pharmaceutical field, it is used in the treatment of psychosomatic disorders such as menopausal disorders and irritable bowel syndrome, and in the treatment of hyperlipidemia. In the treatment of psychosomatic disorders, it is expected to increase the amount of noradrenaline, a neurotransmitter in the brain, and to move the digestive organs.

Thus, anxiety, depression, and digestive symptoms are likely to improve. In the treatment of hyperlipidemia, it is expected to improve dyslipidemia by reducing the absorption of cholesterol, etc.

2. Cosmetic Applications

In the field of cosmetics, two main effects can be expected: first, protection against ultraviolet rays. There are two main types of ultraviolet rays: UVA, which has a longer wavelength, and UVB, which has a shorter wavelength.

γ-oryzanol absorbs mainly UVB rays. γ-oryzanol is oil-soluble, so it is used in cosmetics such as milks and creams that contain many oil-based ingredients.

Another effect in the field of cosmetics is its antioxidant effect, i.e., its ability to protect the skin by removing active oxygen, which can also be a cause of skin aging. Antioxidant is the action of preventing oxidation.

Oxidation can be easily understood as rusting, and when oxidation occurs in the skin due to the effects of ultraviolet rays, it can cause wrinkles and other skin problems. It is thought that the presence of γ-oryzanol, which has an antioxidant effect, in the skin can inhibit oxidation that causes wrinkles.

3. Food Applications

In the field of food, it is approved to be added as a food additive. It can be added as an antioxidant. In addition, supplements containing γ-oryzanol are commercially available. γ-oryzanol is also used as an ingredient in health foods.

Properties of Oryzanol

The main characteristic of γ-oryzanol is it is oil soluble, meaning that it does not dissolve in water. Since γ-oryzanol is mainly contained in rice bran, rice oil derived from rice bran also contains γ-oryzanol.

Structure of Oryzanol

γ-oryzanol has more than one molecular structure. As mentioned above, γ-oryzanol is an ester compound of ferulic acid and phytosterol or triterpene alcohol.

However, due to the various structures of phytosterols or triterpene alcohols, there are many types of γ-oryzanol.

Other Information on Oryzanol

1. Discovery of γ-Oryzanol

γ-oryzanol was first extracted from rice by Japanese researchers in 1953. The scientific name for rice is Oryza sativa, which is the origin of the substance name oryzanol.

2. Oryzanol Other Than γ-Oryzanol

Although oryzanol, especially γ-oryzanol, is found in high concentrations specifically in rice bran, oryzanol is also found in other plants. For example, oryzanol is also present in wheat, corn, or millet. Trace amounts of oryzanol are also present in kelp.


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