
Solids Handling Pump

What Is a Solids Handling Pump?

A solids handling pump is designed to effectively transport solids like fibers, sludge, and slurry within liquids.

Unlike standard pumps that often clog when processing solids, solids handling pumps are designed to avoid such blockages. They operate by applying shear force and pressure: a rapidly spinning impeller not only imparts shear force to mix the solids and liquids but also generates pressure to propel the mixture through the pump.

Utilized across diverse environments, from sewage treatment and industrial wastewater facilities to food processing, livestock management, and paper production, these pumps consist of a pump body, impeller, shaft, cover, and discharge conduit. Their key advantages include efficient solids processing with reduced clogging risk, resistance to wear, long-lasting performance, broad solids compatibility, and straightforward maintenance.


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