
Spark Gaps

What Is a Spark Gap?

A Spark Gap is a device that discharges sparks into the atmosphere when a voltage exceeding a specific threshold is applied between two electrodes.

Spark Gaps have various applications, including as ignition components in internal combustion engines (like ignition plugs), in radio transmitters (as part of high-frequency antennas), and in lightning rods for protecting electronic equipment from overvoltage damage caused by discharges.

In a Spark Gap, a spark occurs when the gas (such as air) between the electrodes reaches a high enough voltage to exceed its breakdown voltage. This ionization of the gas drastically lowers its electrical resistance, thereby enabling the discharge process.


Sorting Tables

What Is a Sorting Table?

A Sorting Table is a device designed to efficiently sort various goods. These tables are utilized in numerous industries, each with their specific sorting requirements.

For instance, in the industrial waste sector, an Air Table is often employed. This particular type of Sorting Table uses air to separate waste based on specific gravity, thereby facilitating the efficient sorting of recyclable materials.

In the food industry, Sorting Tables are used for various tasks, such as speeding up the sorting process for vegetables or measuring the weight of eggs, enhancing efficiency and accuracy in these processes.


Incremental Rotary Encoders

What Is an Incremental Rotary Encoder?

An Incremental Rotary Encoder is a type of rotary encoder that detects rotational movements using two sets of photoelectric elements.

A rotary encoder is a sensor that converts the mechanical displacement caused by rotation into electrical signals. This conversion allows for the measurement of parameters such as rotation speed, angle, and position.

These encoders produce output pulses corresponding to the rotational displacement of the axis. These pulses can be fed into a counter, digital panel meter, or similar devices to measure and calculate parameters like length or the number of rotations.


Hot Water Pipes

What Is a Hot Water Pipe?

A Hot Water Pipe is a specialized rubber tube designed to prevent the freezing of carburetors.

A carburetor is a device that mixes gasoline with air to supply fuel to an engine. Hot Water Pipes are commonly used in racing boat motors, particularly during cold weather conditions, to maintain optimal function. This application is often mandatory in these environments.

Typically, these pipes are installed during autumn when temperatures begin to fall and are removed in spring as the weather warms up. However, the installation of Hot Water Pipes can lead to a reduction in engine acceleration.

This is because Hot Water Pipes warm the incoming air. Engines generally operate more efficiently with colder air, which has a higher density and oxygen concentration, leading to better combustion efficiency. As a result, engines may not deliver the same level of power after the installation of Hot Water Pipes as they did prior.


Edge Clamps

What Is an Edge Clamp?

An Edge Clamp is a tool designed to grip and tighten components or materials using its claw-like part. This design is particularly effective for securely handling materials without causing damage, even on coated surfaces.

Additionally, in the semiconductor industry, the term ‘Edge Clamp’ refers to a device that holds and transports semiconductor wafers (substrates) without coming into direct contact with the wafer’s surface. This function is crucial for avoiding contamination or damage to the delicate substrates.

Tasks such as inserting or removing items from containers, positioning, and transporting, which are prone to human error and risk of damage, can be efficiently and safely performed using Edge Clamps.

Notably, certain variants of Edge Clamps, called Double Edge Clamps, are capable of simultaneously tightening two pieces of material, further enhancing their utility and efficiency.


Circular Connectors

What Is a Circular Connector?

A Circular Connector is a type of connector characterized by its cylindrical structure.

These connectors are named for their circular mating surfaces. Originally used in the military manufacturing industry in the last century, Circular Connectors have since found a wider range of applications. They are now employed in various locations and for numerous purposes, serving as essential contact points in diverse devices and systems.

Typical uses include robotics, servo motors, encoders, sensors, portable chains, and more. The benefits of Circular Connectors are their robust durability, high strength-to-weight ratio, ease of installation and removal, and exceptional stability.