

What Is RFID?

RFID (radio frequency identifier) denotes an automatic identification technology utilizing short-range wireless communication for non-contact reading and writing of electronic information on RFID tags. Unlike barcode and QR code optical reading methods, RFID allows simultaneous multiple tag readings and supports information input, erasure, and rewriting. Despite its advantages, the cost of installing readers remains a barrier for small businesses, such as privately owned restaurants and stores.

Uses of RFID

RFID technology is commonly used in transportation IC cards, prepaid IC cards by railroad companies, and embedded in driver’s licenses to secure personal data against forgery. Its applications extend to inventory and product management in apparel manufacturing, distribution, and the medical field, where managing large data sets efficiently is crucial.

Principle of RFID

RFID operates through short-range wireless communication between tags and readers. Tags are classified as passive or active based on their power source.

1. Passive Type

Passive RFID tags derive their operating power from the reader’s emitted radio waves, transmitting stored information upon receiving a reader’s signal.

2. Active Type

Active RFID tags, equipped with batteries, autonomously send information to readers. This data can then be accessed, edited, and managed on a computer.

RFID’s non-contact, wireless communication allows for reading from a distance and simultaneous multiple tag readings, offering a significant advantage over optical reading technologies like barcodes.

Other Information About RFID

1. Price of RFID

The cost of RFID tags has been decreasing, with passive tags expected to become even more affordable. Reader prices vary significantly based on performance, with options ranging from economical handheld devices to more expensive gate types for distribution centers. Comprehensive system costs, including software for product management, are quoted individually.

2. RFID Frequencies and Standards

RFID operates across various frequency bands, influencing transmission distance, communication stability, and antenna size. NFC, a subset of RFID technology, facilitates close-range communication for applications such as contactless payment and transportation e-money, using standards defined by the NFC Forum.


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